United Reformed Church

Downloads & Resources

Here you can find resources, downloads and admin papers connected to children and youth work within the church.

If you think something is missing, or cannot find what you are looking for, please get in touch with the Children and Youth Work Team

This update from the Children's and Youth Work team is produced every two months and includes news, events, opportunities, reviews, resources and more from the United Reformed Church to inform your ministry with children, young people, young adults and families and your prayers for this ministry.

March 2024 (PDF | 3mb)

Sign up to receive copies of this update to your email inbox here: https://forms.office.com/r/JbGkC6fdKe

Booking form - please download, complete and email to [email protected] or post to Children and Youth Work, URC Church House, 86 Tavistock Place, London W1H 9RT.

These documents should guide you through the process of creating your own risk assessments for your premises and for any activities you engage in with children, young people or young adults.

Don't reinvent the wheel - here is some of the paperwork you may wish to use when running a holiday club or other children's groups. Please let us know if there is any other similar paperwork you would value having here.

Visual symbols can support any children or young people who have communication difficulties for whatever reason.

Individual symbols (with accompanying text) can be cut out and laminated and velcroed to a surface.

A visual timetable can be made with symbols to help children and young people know what is happening now and what will be happening next.

Doors can be labelled so that children and young people know where to go or where not to go at particular times.

Door labels  ( PDF | 387kb )

Golden Rules  ( PDF | 387kb )

Golden Rules (alternative)  ( PDF | 187kb )

Visual Timetable symbols ( PDF | 170kb )

Useful words  ( PDF | 300kb )

Communication board ( PDF | 513kb )

Feelngs ( PDF | 184kb )

If I feel angry, I can....  ( PDF | 174kb )


During the pandemic, many churches changed their engagement with children, young people and young adults to online and it continues to be one way of gathering children and young people across wider areas.

United Reformed Church