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Home General Assembly Moderator’s Blog

General Assembly Moderator

The moderator of the General Assembly is the national figurehead for the denomination, representing the United Reformed Church both internally and within the wider world. The moderator chairs major meetings, visits churches at home and abroad, and seeks to provide worship, teaching and pastoral care.

From Assembly 2024 our moderator is the Revd Timothy Meadows.

On this page, the Revd Timothy Meadows, writes and reflects on the things he does, places he visits, people he meets, and moments/events in the life of the United Reformed Church and beyond during his time in office.

If you would like to invite a moderator to visit your church or meeting, please email us.

Moderator’s Diary: February 2025

In February, the Revd Tim Meadows will preach at the Open Table evening communion service at St Bride’s Church, Liverpool, and at Heaton Moor United Church, a member church of the East Cheshire & Derbyshire Borders Missional Partnership. Tim will moderate the meeting of URC Assembly Executive and attend URC Business Committee. Ecumenically, he will represent the URC at the Church of England General Synod.

Moderator’s Blog

Covid-19 Five Years On

Remembering Covid-19 March 9 2025

You are invited to use this Act of Remembrance as part of the Day of Reflection for the 5th Anniversary of Covid-19 on 9 March 2025. More information about the Day, and how to submit events to the map can...
USA Election Red Blue Divide - Larisa from Pixabay

Reflections on America and the red-blue divide

Prior to the election I was visiting my father in America. Like everyone else, I was perplexed why Trump and Harris were running neck and neck at the polls. The cost of living crisis is hitting the US. People see...
Revd Tim Meadows URC General Assembly Moderator

All in a Year – Tim Meadows, Moderator of General Assembly

The moderatorial year of 2024-2025 has begun. I intend to start blogging under the title ALL IN A YEAR. My hope is that this year a discussion about ‘What does it mean to be a United Reformed Christian?’ will return...

Induction of the Revd Timothy Meadows as Moderator of the General Assembly, 2024-2025

“Will you undertake to exercise your ministry in accordance with the statement concerning the Nature, Faith and Order of the United Reformed Church? “I will, and all these things I profess and promise in the power of the Holy Spirit.”...
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Previous Moderator’s Blogs

Read a selection of posts from previous Moderators of the United Reformed Church.

CWM Assembly 2024: GA Moderator reflects on The Day of the African Child

On 17 June, the Revd Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson, Moderator of the URC General Assembly, reflected...
Jamaican government Minister accepts URC’s apology for its role in transatlantic slavery

Sermon from Hope United Church in Jamaica

During the ecumenical pilgrimage to Jamaica earlier this month, the Revd Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson was...

Ceasefire in Gaza now urges Moderator

In this blog, the Revd Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson reflects on how 2024 sadly begins with...

Lambeth Conference and small steps toward affirming LGBTQI+

Convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lambeth Conference is an opportunity  for Anglican Bishops...

Remaining grateful together though apart

From 29-31 January, the Revd Clare Downing, Moderator of the United Reformed Church (URC) General...

Prepare for new fruit this Advent

Peter Pay, Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, explains why the fig tree...

Let’s thank seen and unseen people

The Revd Clare Downing reflects on contrasting experiences in November, highlighting the value of behind-the-scenes...

Being nurtured

Peter Pay gives thanks for local church communities, and their nurturing work. I was due...

My learning journey

In her first blog post as General Assembly Moderator, the Revd Clare Downing shares new...

Virtual lives

In his first blog, Peter Pay, who was inducted as a Moderator of the United...

Jubilate Deo

In his last blog post as General Assembly Moderator, the Revd Nigel Uden reflects on...

Looking back, and forward

In his last blog post as Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, Derek...

Bernard Thorogood: His reputation, influence and legacy

The Revd Nigel Uden, Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, reflects on the...

Focus hearts and minds on valuing God’s gifts

Inspired by Young people, Derek Estill, Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, encourages...

Green shoots of spring

Squelching around the manse lawn late in February, I noticed various green shoots of spring...

Remembering to Stand Together

Each year, on 27 January, the nation comes together to remember the Holocaust and the...

Spirit of Windrush: Contributions to Multicultural Britain

John Proctor and I were invited to the Spirit of Windrush thanksgiving service in Westminster...

Frustrated of Wakefield

I’ve got a problem, and I think it is particularly with the United Reformed Church...

URC’s Most Northerly Church

At the end of June, I spent a few days visiting our most northerly church:...

Presbyterian Church of Wales General Assembly

I have recently returned from the annual General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Wales, held...
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United Reformed Church