Families on Faith Adventures at Home
Families on Faith Adventures at Home is a free resource from the United Reformed Church to help families worship and pray together and develop their faith during lockdown and beyond.
These resources draw on the materials are a ‘pick and mix’ selection of activites, prayers and challenges based around a different Bible reading.
No matter what your family make-up, hopefully you will find something useful and engaging in these materials.
Download a useful index of the stories and where to find them (PDF | 164kb)
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Storecupboard Nativity intergenerational worship outline (Are you ready?) (PDF | 500 kb)
Storecupboard Nativity intergenerational worship outline (Are you ready?)
An outline for an all-age worship using items from a kitchen cupboard (or foodbank donations) to retell the story of the nativity and think about God's gift of something extraordinary into our everyday. This is a stand-alone but can also be linked to the Advent issues for 2022 on the theme of Are You Ready?
All-age / crib / service plan / nativity / foods /
27th Nov 2022: Advent Bumper Special – Luke and Matthew (PDF | 3mb)
Advent bumper special A bumper issue for the Advent period on the theme "Are you ready?"
start/ welcome/ celebrate/ give/ wise men/ shepherds/ angels/ baby Jesus/ Mary and joseph / nativity / Christmas
21st Nov 2022: Mirror their faith – Hebrews 13: 1-8 (PDF | 2mb)
21st Nov 2022: Mirror their faith – Hebrews 13: 1-8
Jesus and others are role models for our faith. God is in our relationships.
example of others / cloud of witnesses / eyes on Jesus / relationships / friendship / role models / God with us
14th Nov 2022: Passing the baton – Hebrews 12: 1-2 (PDF | 2mb)
14th Nov 2022: Passing the baton – Hebrews 12: 1-2
Faith is like a baton in a relay race - people from the Bible and from our encounters today share their faith with us and we can pass that baton on to others.
Run the race / resurrection / saviour / faith / cloud of witnesses / encouragement
7th Nov 2022: Coming home – Hosea 14 (PDF | 2mb)
7th Nov 2022: Coming home – Hosea 14
Things can be so good if we say sorry to God for the things we have done wrong and put God first.
Praise / returning to God / forgiveness / repentance / saying sorry / prophesy
31st Oct 2022: Be prepared – Matthew 25: 1-13 (PDF | 2mb)
31st Oct 2022: Be prepared – Matthew 25: 1-13
Five of the ten bridesmaids waiting to greet the bridegroom were not ready when he got there. We need always to be ready to meet with Jesus.
Ten bridesmaids / being prepared / foolish / second coming / being ready / holy spirit / patience / ten virgins
24th Oct 2022: Let justice flow – Amos 5: 21-24 (PDF | 2mb)
24th Oct 2022: Let justice flow – Amos 5: 21-24
God doesn't want us just to 'say' we are his friends, he wants us to 'show' it in the way we act.
Justice / social action / what God seeks / genuine worship
17th Oct 2022: She wanted to give – Luke 21: 1-4 (PDF | 1mb)
17th Oct 2022: She wanted to give – Luke 21: 1-4
The woman put two pennies in the offertory box - God looks at our hearts and sees our motives when we give in any way.
Widow's mite / pennies / giving / generous / faith
10th Oct 2022: Feeling so worried – Matthew 6: 25-34 (PDF | 2mb)
10th Oct 2022: Feeling so worried – Matthew 6: 25-34
Consider the birds in the air - Jesus tells us, when we are worried, to trust God with the things that concern us.
emotions / worry / trust / God cares / birds / lilies/ peace / fear /anxiety
3rd Oct 2022: Feeling so angry – Ephesians 4: 20-21/25-32 (PDF | 2mb)
3rd Oct 2022: Feeling so angry – Ephesians 4: 20-21/25-32
Whatever our emotions, God is with us and can use our anger when it is right to and diffuse it when it is misplaced.
emotions / self-control / honesty / gentleness/ compassion / kindness / forgiveness / righteous anger /
26th Sept 2022: Feeling so sad – Lamentations 5: 14/15/17/19/21 (PDF | 1mb)
26th Sept 2022: Feeling so sad – Lamentations 5: 14/15/17/19/21
Whatever our emotions, God is with us and hears our prayers.
emotions / sadness / trust / fear / song
19th Sept 2022: I choose you – Mark 2: 13-17 (PDF | 2mb)
19th Sept 2022: I choose you – Mark 2: 13-17
Jesus chooses Levi the tax collector to be his friend - he chooses you too!
Calling disciples / Jesus' friends / Levi / Matthew / tax collector / follow / choose
12th Sept 2022: Hannah’s prayer – 1 Samuel 1: 1-11/ 17-18 (PDF | 2mb)
12th Sept 2022: Hannah’s prayer – 1 Samuel 1: 1-11/ 17-18
Hannah asks God to give her a baby, but promises to give him to God's service.
Hannah prays for a child / trust / baby / thankfulness / promises / prayer / faithfuless / acceptance
5th Sept 2022: Can we go back – Psalm 137: 1-5 (PDF | 1mb)
5th Sept 2022: Can we go back – Psalm 137: 1-5
The Israelites are exiled in Babylon - we face changes in life too and may not like them, but God is with us.
capture / exile / Babylon/ changes / difficult situations / journeys / faith / accetance
11 July 2022: Fruits of the Spirit Summer Special – fruits of the spirit (PDF | 5mb)
11 July 2022: Fruits of the Spirit Summer Special – fruits of the spirit
A bumper issue for the summer exploring the fruits of the spirit
love / joy / peace / kindness / gentleness / faithfulness / self-control / generosity / patience / holy spirit
04 July 2022: The Child in the Midst – Mark 9: 33-37 (PDF | 2mb)
04 July 2022: The child in the midst – Mark 9: 33-37
When the disciples turn children away, Jesus draws them into the middle of the crowd and says that all should come to him like children. Children have a part to play in the mission of God.
Jesus welcomes children / importance / acceptance / belonging / family / charter for children in the church
27 June 2022: Out of the window – Acts 20: 7-12 (PDF | 2mb)
27 June 2022: Out of the Window – Acts 20: 7-12
Young Eutychus was listening to a long sermon by Paul and fell out of the window, but Paul raised him from death.
Healing / teaching / boredom / miracle / power / waiting / patience / time
20 June 2022: Be content – 1 Timothy 6: 7-11 (PDF | 1mb)
20 June 2022: Be Content – 1 Timothy 6: 7-11
Paul encourages the church to be content - to consider what they have and how to use it. We are called to be good stewards of what God has given us.
money / contentment / stewardship / letter / epistle / temptation / thankfulness / gratitude / resources
13 June 2022: Turn it off and on again – Genesis 32: 1-8 and Genesis 33: 1-12 (PDF | 2mb)
13 June 2022: Turn it off and on again – Genesis 32: 1-8 and Genesis 33: 1-12
Jacob deceived his brother Esau and they parted as enemies, but now they are being reunited. (This issue is linked to "Tense Times")
twins / forgiveness / making amends / reconciliation / reunited / repentance
06 June 2022: Tense times – Genesis 25: 20-34 and Genesis 27: 30-45 (PDF | 2mb)
06 June 2022: Tense Times – Genesis 25: 20-34 and Genesis 27: 30-45
Jacob deceives his twin brother Esau and his father Isaac and steals what is rightfully his brother's. (This issue links with "Turn it off and on again"). How do we deal with tensions between family and friends?
birth right / jealousy / twins /sibling rivalry / greed / deceiving / tensions / relationships / anger
30 May 2022: Reconnected – Luke 15: 11-32 (PDF | 2mb)
30 May 2022: Reconnected – Luke 15: 11-32
A son asks his father for his inheritance early and spends it all, ending up in poverty, but his father welcomes him home. Jesus told this story to show how God welcomes us home, even if we mess things up.
prodigal / forgiveness / foolishness / jealousy / loved / greed / parable / home / thanks / welcome
23 May 2022: Everyone’s valued – 2 Samuel 9 (PDF | 1mb)
23 May 2022: Everyone’s Valued – 2 Samuel 9
When David becomes king, he seeks out his friend's son and welcomes him into the family, even though others are surprised because the boy has damaged legs. Our value is in whose child we are - children of God.
David / Saul / family / Jonathon / Mephibosheth / care / value / parent / disability
16 May 2022: Just do it – Micah 6: 8 (PDF | 1mb)
16 May 2022: Just Do It – Micah 6: 8
MIcah shares what God wants of us - the right way to live as followers of Jesus
do the right thing / justice / mercy / kindness / make a difference / social action / discipleship / humble
9 May 2022: Learning together – Luke 2: 41-52 (PDF | 1mb)
9 May 2022: Learning Together – Luke 2: 41-52
When young Jesus gets lost, Mary and Joseph find him in the temple, discussing the scriptures with the elders and leaders there. We learn best intergenerationally, each generation sharing with each other.
intergenerational / authority / generations / teaching / learning / Jesus' childhood / lost
2 May 2022: Praise Him – Psalm 150 (PDF | 3mb)
2 May 2022: Praise Him – Psalm 150
A psalm of praise, the last psalm, talks of how great God is and all the different instruments we might use to sing God's praise: let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
song of praise / David / instruments / music / celebrate / dance / trumpet / cymbals
25 April 2022: Extra-special – 2 Chronicles 2: 1 and 5-9 (PDF | 1mb)
25 April 2022: Extra-Special – 2 Chronicles 2: 1 and 5-9
Solomon decided to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem so he employed people to use their particular skills and gifts to the best of their ability. We too can use our skills and gifts to do something special for God.
skills / talents / gifts / temple / rebuilding / treasure / precious / value
14 April 2022: How will you meet him? – John 20: 24-29 (PDF | 1mb)
14 April 2022: How Will You Meet Him? – John 20: 24-29
Thomas can't believe that Jesus is risen until Jesus appears behind him and shows him the proof. Faith varies from person to person - what do you need to believe?
Doubting Thomas / belief / question / faith / resurrection / disciples / Easter
11 April 2022: Jesus is alive – Pass It On! – 1 Corinthians 15 (PDF | 2mb)
11 April 2022: Jesus Is Alive – Pass It On! – 1 Corinthians 15
Paul reminds the Christians in Corinth that Jesus rose from the dead and encourages them to share the good news
Easter / letter / resurrection / Good news / epistle / witness / mission
4 April 2022: Mark my words – Zachariah 9: 9-10 (PDF | 2mb)
4 April 2022: Mark My Words – Zachariah 9: 9-10
Zachariah prophesies about the coming of the king, riding a donkey into Jerusalem. A Palm Sunday story.
prophesy / praise / palm Sunday / triumphant / Christ the King / donkey / Easter / Holy Week / Jerusalem
28 March 2022: Something to think about - Philippians 4: 4-9 (PDF | 2mb)
28 March 2022: Something To Think About - Philippians 4: 4-9
In his letter to the Christians in Philippi, Paul encourages them to keep their thoughts on things that are of God as a daily discipline. We can do this too.
Joy / peace / letter / epistle / advice / encouragement / anxiety / worry / good news
21 March 2022: Shhh…we’re Christians – Daniel 1 (PDF | 1mb)
21 March 2022: Shhh…We’re Christians – Daniel 1
Sometimes we can shout about our faith but sometimes we need to practise our faith more quietly. This was the case for Daniel and his friends when they were exiled in Babylon and worked for the king.
exile / Babylon / serve / faith / testing / persecution / wisdom / prayer
14 March 2022: Sneak a peak – Job 38 and 39 (PDF | 1mb)
14 March 2022: Sneak A Peak – Job 38 and 39
Job has lost everything, and feels like complaining to God, but then reconsiders as he realises the enormity of all that God has done and how insignificant his life is in comparison, and yet still God loves him.
authority / creation / suffering / almighty God / worship / power / care / God's love
7 March 2022: First shall be last – Matthew 20: 1-16 (PDF | 1mb)
7 March 2022: First Shall Be Last – Matthew 20: 1-16
In this parable, Jesus tells of people being hired to work in a vineyard at different times in the day but all getting paid the same. God loves us all the same and we should not compare ourselves to others.
vineyard / parable / work / pay / workers / different / jealousy / comparison
28 February 2022: Attitude of gratitude – Luke 17: 11 – 19 (PDF | 1mb)
28 February 2022: Attitude of Gratitude – Luke 17: 11 – 19
Ten men with leprosy were healed by Jesus but only one thanked him.
sickness / healing / leprosy / lepers / miracle / ungrateful / gratitude / gift
21 February 2022: God’s name – Woven into everything – Psalm 8 (PDF | 2mb)
21 February 2022: God’s Name – Woven Into Everything – Psalm 8
A psalm of praise - how majestic is your name in all the earth. And if God's name is woven into everything, does that change how we treat our world?
praise / majesty / creation / stewardship / discipleship / environment / responsibility
14 February 2022: Just say yes! – Luke 14: 12-24 (PDF | 1mb)
14 February 2022: Just say Yes! – Luke 14: 12-24
Jesus tells the parable of the great banquet or wedding feast where the people invited are too busy to come. Nothing is more important than saying yes to God's invitation.
banquet / feast / invitation / welcome / blessing / outsiders / outcasts / margins / parable
7 February 2022: Together again – Genesis 45: 1-15 (PDF | 2mb)
7 February 2022: Together Again – Genesis 45: 1-15
Joseph is a very important person in Egypt and his brothers, who had betrayed him, do not recognise him when they come to him for help. (This issue is linked to "Family Fallout"
famine / Egypt / Israel / reunited / family / betrayal / forgiveness / dreams
31 January 2022: Family fallout – Genesis 37 (PDF | 2mb)
31 January 2022: Family Fallout – Genesis 37
Joseph is his father's favourite and has dreams that foretell him lording it over his brothers, so they sell him into slavery to get rid of him.
multicoloured coat / slavery/ greed / jealousy / favouritism / dreams / family
17 January 2022: God’s Got It – Acts 27: 27- 44 (PDF | 1mb)
17 January 2022: God’s Got It – Acts 27: 27- 44
Paul is travelling to tell people about Jesus but he is shipwrecked. God saves him and others.
shipwreck / Paul / missionary / journey / anxiety / provision
10 January 2022: More Than Happy – Matthew 5: 1-11 (PDF | 2mb)
10 January 2022: More Than Happy – Matthew 5: 1-11
The Beatitudes - Jesus preaches to the crowd on the mountainside with some unusual definitions of what it means to be happy.... or rather, more than happy, blessed.
beatitudes / preaching / teaching / blessings / rules for life / peacemakers / mourning
3 January 2022: Jubilee – Leviticus 25: 8-17 (PDF | 2mb)
3 January 2022: Jubilee – Leviticus 25: 8-17
Jubilee is the fiftieth year, a celebration in which land is returned to its original owner, debts are written off, land is allowed to lie fallow, and slaves are freed.
celebrate / festival / justice / community / rest / anniversary / reparation
27th Dec 2021 – Joshua and Jericho – Joshua 6: 1-20 (PDF | 2mb)
27th Dec 2021 - Joshua and Jericho - Joshua 6: 1-20
Following God's instructions to march round the city of Jericho in silence and then to make a huge noise, Joshua's army won a huge victory. Sometimes God asks strange things of us but we can trust that God knows the reason why.
Walls of Jericho / battle / trust / obey / defeat / army
20th Dec 2021 – Come and See with the Wise Ones – Matthew 2: 1-12 (PDF | 2mb)
20th Dec 2021 – Come and See with the Wise Ones – Matthew 2: 1-12
The fourth in the Advent "Come and See" series sees the wise ones coming from afar to see the young Jesus
Advent / Christmas / wise men / magi / gold / frankinsense / myhrr / orient / worship / Herod / dream / star
13th Dec 2021 – Come and see with the animals – Luke 2: 1-7 (PDF | 2mb)
13th Dec 2021 – come and see with the animals – Luke 2: 1-7
The third in the Advent "Come and See" series finds the animals gathered around the manger, awaiting the birth of a child
Animals / stable / advent / Christmas / nativity / worship / manger / baby Jesus / Mary and Joseph
6th Dec 2021 – Come and see with the shepherds – Luke 2: 8-20 (PDF | 2mb)
6th Dec 2021 – come and see with the shepherds – Luke 2: 8-20
The third in the "Come and See" Advent series sees the shepherds rushing to Bethlehem after seeing a host of angels telling them about the new born king.
Advent / christmas / shepherds / sheep / angels / heavenly host / worship / nativity / stable / Christ
29th Nov 2021 – Come and see with the angels – Luke 1: 28-36 (PDF | 2mb)
29th Nov 2021 – come and see with the angels – Luke 1: 28-36
The first in the "Come and See" Advent series sees Mary and Joseph each being visited by an angel bearing good but surprising news, and Mary visits Elizabeth to share this news.
Angel / Gabriel / Mary / Elizabeth / pregnancy / Holy Spirit / Joseph / annunciation
22nd Nov 2021 – Set free too – Acts 16: 23-40 (PDF | 2mb)
22nd Nov 2021 – set free too – Acts 16: 23-40
Paul and Silas are freed from prison by an earthquake but, by not running away when they had the chance, they bring a prison officer to faith. He is 'set free' by their actions.
jail / prison / Paul and Silas / prayers / singing / adversity / freedom / captive / faith
24 January 2022: Everybody celebrate and praise – 1 Chronicles 16 (PDF | 2mb)
24 January 2022: Everybody Celebrate and Praise – 1 Chronicles 16
David dances as he brings the Ark of the Covenant home to the temple in Jerusalem.
covenant / offering / celebration / sacrifice / fellowship / praise / temple
15th Nov 2021 – Set free – Acts 16: 16 – 24 (PDF | 2mb)
15th Nov 2021 – Set free – Acts 16: 16 – 24
Paul and Silas cause a stir by healing a mentally-ill slave-girl who is being exploited by others. As a result they are sent to prison. (Linked with "Set Free Too")
evil spirit / exploitation / justice / freedom / captivity / preaching / healing / miracle
8th Nov 2021 – Peace, be still – Mark 4: 35-41 (PDF | 2mb)
8th Nov 2021 – Peace, be still – Mark 4: 35-41
Jesus is asleep in the boat when a storm whips up on the lake and the disciples wake him because they are afraid. Jesus calms the storm.
Calming the storm / fishing / sleeping / trust / prayer / anxiety / worry / trust / disciples
1st Nov 2021 – All saints – Luke 10: 25-37 - Good Samaritan (PDF | 1mb)
1st Nov 2021 – All saints – Luke 10: 25-37 (PDF|1MB)
Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan to show what it means to love your neighbour as yourself. What does a saint look like, and how can we all be saints?
Good Samaritan / pass by / neighbour / greatest commandment / love / help / service / first aid
25th Oct 2021 – Clothed in love – Colossians 3: 12-17 (PDF | 2mb)
25th Oct 2021 – clothed in love – Colossians 3: 12-17
Paul writes to the Christians in Colossia to encourage them to be "clothed in love" in all they do. What does this mean?
forgiveness / one body / church / congregation / living together / love / epistle / letter
19th Oct 2021 – What are you doing here Elijah? – 1 Kings 19: 11-13 (PDF | 650kb)
19th Oct 2021 – What are you doing here Elijah? – 1 Kings 19: 11-13
Elijah is being chased and is in danger for his life so, afraid, he hides in a cave. But God knows he's there and has a job for him to do. God finds us, strengthens us, and helps us keep on keeping on.
God / retreat / hiding / reflection / encouragement / feeding / nurture / God's plan / vocation
11th Oct 2021 – Is that you God? – I Samuel 3 - the call of Samuel (PDF | 2mb)
11th Oct 2021 – Is that you God – I Samuel 3
Young Samuel is asleep and hears a voice which he thinks is his master, Eli. But in fact it is God, calling Samuel to be God's prophet and to serve God.
Calling / vocation / child / temple / priest / listening / prayer / obedience
4th Oct 2021 – Psalm 139 - God knows all about me (PDF | 1mb)
4th Oct 2021 – Psalm 139 - God knows all about me
This psalm celebrates how God knew us even before we were born and is always with us.
omniscient / omnipresent / eternal / development / creation / body / God's plan / love / praise
27th Sept 2021 – Extraordinary – John 2: 1-11 - The Wedding at Cana (PDF | 1mb)
27th Sept 2021 – Extraordinary – John 2: 1-11
Jesus is at a wedding with his mother when the host runs out of wine. Mary asks Jesus to help and he performs his first miracle, turning water into wine.
Miracle / water into wine / wedding / party / celebration / mother / potential / vocation / calling
20th Sept 2021 – Peer pressure – Romans 14: 1-13 (PDF | 2mb)
20th Sept 2021 – peer pressure – Romans 14: 1-13
In Paul's letter to the Christians in Rome, he talks to them about not being an "in-crowd" or looking down on other believers because they don't believe or do exactly the same as they do. God loves everyone and does not want everyone to be the same. We don't have to conform to peer pressure to be loved by God.
letter / epistle / instructions / encouragement / choices / behaviour / vegetarian / judging others
13th Sept 2021 – Frame it – Deuteronomy 8: 6-11 (PDF | 2mb)
13th Sept 2021 – Frame it – Deuteronomy 8: 6-11
Moses reminds the new generation of Hebrews (who are wandering in the desert after escaping Egypt) of all the good things God has done for them in the past and blesses them with all the good things God will do for them in the future. Everything they say and do is framed by this.
obey / exile / desert / exodus / laws / commandments / blessing / remembrance
6th Sept 2021 – Prepare the way – Mark 1: 1-12 - Baptism of Jesus (PDF | 2mb)
6th Sept 2021 – Prepare the way – Mark 1: 1-12
Jesus' cousin John is telling people the Good News and "preparing the way" for the coming of Jesus when Jesus turns up by the river and asks John to baptise him, just as he is baptising other people. God blesses Jesus.
baptism / prepare / prophet / worthy / beloved son / dove / God / blessing
30th August 2021 – Blessings – Numbers 6: 22-27 - the Lord bless and keep you (PDF | 1mb)
30th August 2021 – Blessings – Numbers 6: 22-27
Aaron blesses the people of God with words that we often still use today to bless others, especially in church.
dedication / blessing / mercy / peace / prayer / intercession / happiness
26th July 2021 – Creation summer special – Genesis 1-2:3 (PDF | 2mb)
26th July 2021 – Creation summer special – Genesis 1-2:3
This bumper edition for the summer holidays follows the seven days of creation.
Creation / beginning / environment / world / Adam and Eve / Eden / day and night / land and water / heaven and earth / animals / birds / fish / sabbath
19th July 2021 – All in – Acts 10: 9-17/ 24-28/ 34-35 - Peter has a vision (PDF | 2mb)
19th July 2021 – All in – Acts 10: 9-17/ 24-28/ 34-35
Peter has a vision of a sheet being lowered with all sorts of animals on it, including ones that the Jewish laws said they should not eat. God invites him to eat, saying that nothing and nobody that God has created is "unclean" - everyone is part of God's family
vision / dream / food / heaven / diversity / laws / clean and unclean / inclusion / foreigners / gentiles / mission
12th July 2021 – Forever love – Psalm 23 (PDF | 2mb)
12th July 2021 – Forever love – Psalm 23
This well loved psalm of David compares the love of God to that of a shepherd and his sheep
song / psalm / shepherd / sheep / green pastures / still waters / valley of death / protection / trust
5th July 2021 – Live well – Jeremiah 29: 1-7; 10-14 - Babylon exile (PDF | 2mb)
5th July 2021 – Live well – Jeremiah 29: 1-7; 10-14
During the exile in Babylon, Jeremiah writes to the exiles with a message from God, telling them to make the most of their situation and live well rather than just longing to go back to how things were before. They are to be God's witnesses wherever they are, and God will be with them
letter / captives / exile / plans / hard times / adversity / strength / courage
28th June 2021 – Wherever you are – Mark 4: 1-9 - parable of sower (PDF | 2mb)
28th June 2021 – Wherever you are – Mark 4: 1-9
Jesus tells the parable of the sower sowing seeds across the field and the seeds falling in different types of place. God's message will reach us wherever we are but we need to be ready to grow it.
parable / growth / faith / seeds / pavement / birds / weeds / harvest
21st June 2021 – All sorts of families – Ruth 1: 6-11 & 14-19 - Ruth and Naomi (PDF | 2mb)
21st June 2021 – All sorts of families – Ruth 1: 6-11 & 14-19
Ruth's mother-in-law is returning to her homeland after the death of her sons and husband. She tells Ruth not to go with her, but Ruth will not abandon her. She is family.
widow / home / nationality / family / faithfulness / reward / love / faith
14th June 2021 – Let’s do breakfast – John 21: 1-14 - Miracle catch of fish (PDF | 2mb)
14th June 2021 – Let’s do breakfast – John 21: 1-14
Jesus appears to the disciples who are out fishing after the crucifixion and have caught nothing. He tells them to cast their nets on the other side and they have a miraculous catch of fish. He cooks breakfast for them on the lakeside.
listening / thinking / teaching / trust / faith/ resurrection / miracle / obedience / breakfast / fish
7th June 2021 – Stay strong – Judges 16: 4-22 - Samson and Delilah (PDF | 2mb)
7th June 2021 – Stay strong – Judges 16: 4-22
Samson is a Nazarene which means his mother made a promise never to cut his hair, but his girlfriend Delilah tricks him into telling her the secret of his strength. But God does not abandon him.
hair / Philistine / strength / defeat / trick / weakness
31st May 2021 – God’s world in your hands – Psalm 8: 1-8 (PDF | 2mb)
31st May 2021 – God’s world in your hands – Psalm 8: 1-8
God is the creator of all things and the whole world sings God's praise. But God called humankind to be custodians of creation - God's world is in our hands.
Creation / creator / good / majestic / world / environment / stewardship /care / responsible
24th May 2021 – Come one, you can do it! – 1 Timothy 4: 6-16 - TImothy's grandmother (PDF | 2mb)
24th May 2021 – Come one, you can do it! – 1 Timothy 4: 6-16
Timothy is a young friend of Paul who became a Christian and a missionary through the influence of his grandmother and mother as well as his friendship with Paul.
witness / encouragement / cheering on / missionary / influence / role-models / faith / intergenerational
17th May 2021 – The promise – John 14: 15-21 & 25-27 - Jesus will send Holy Spirit (PDF | 2mb)
17th May 2021 – The promise – John 14: 15-21 & 25-27
Before his crucifixion, Jesus promises the disciples that he will send the Holy Spirit to be with them and they will never be alone or abandoned by God because the spirit will always be there.
peace / holy spirit / holy ghost / pentecost / whitsun / inspiration / friend
10th May 2021 – Spreading the word – Genesis 11: 1-9 - Tower of Babel (PDF | 1mb)
10th May 2021 – Spreading the word – Genesis 11: 1-9
When the people get too big for their boots and try to build a tower up to heaven, God makes it that they all speak different languages and instead have to spread out across the world.
babel / babble / languages / confusion / mission / communication / proud
3rd May 2021 – Trust how God sees – Judges 7: 1-8 &16-21 - Gideon (PDF | 2mb)
3rd May 2021 – Trust how God sees – Judges 7: 1-8 &16-21
Gideon doesn't think much of himself as a warrior, but God sees him differently and chooses him to lead an army. And God whittles down the army until it's just a handful of soldiers too. God may see potential in people and situations, including us, that we don't see.
trust / midianites / army / victory / tribe / leadership / potential / vocation / calling
26th April 2021- See yourself as God sees you – Judges 6: 11-24 - Gideon (PDF | 2mb)
26th April 2021- See yourself as God sees you – Judges 6: 11-24
Gideon is the youngest son in the smallest tribe of Israel and doesn't believe it when God has a job for him to do and calls him a "mighty man of valour". (Linked to "Trust how God sees")
calling / vocation / potential / angel / leader / choosing / army / altar
19th April 2021 – A new way of living – Acts 9: 36-42 - Tabitha (PDF | 2mb)
19th April 2021 – A new way of living – Acts 9: 36-42
Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, is a Christian who does good in her neighbourhood. When she dies, Peter performs a miracle and raises her back to life.
generous / giving / offering / talent / service / miracle / resurrection / death
12th April 2021 – Small voices count – 2 Kings 5: 1-15 - story of Naaman (PDF | 2mb)
12th April 2021 – Small voices count – 2 Kings 5: 1-15
Naaman is an important person but will he listen to the young Christian slave girl when he becomes sick and trust God to help him, even though what she asks sounds strange?
children / river Jordan / skin disease / cleansed / miracle / servant / slave / healing
5th April 2021 – Journeying on – Luke 24: 13-35 – Emmaus Road (PDF | 2mb)
5th April 2021 – Journeying on – Luke 24: 13-35
Two people are walking along the Emmaus Road after Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection but don't recognise Jesus walking with them. What will he tell them?
Emmaus Road / faith / resurrection / breaking bread / disciples / witness
28th Mar 2021 – Journey to Easter – John 13: 4-14 - events of Holy Week (PDF | 4mb)
28th Mar 2021 – Journey to Easter – John 13: 4-14
The journey to Easter takes us from Palm Sunday (link to "Let's celebrate: Jesus is coming") to the crucifixion and resurrection with all stages in between.
Holy Week / last supper / feet / disciples / garden / gethsemane / arrest / trial / crucify / tomb / resurrection /
15th Mar 2021 – Seen, known, forgiven – Luke 19: 1-10 - Zacchaeus (PDF | 2mb)
15th Mar 2021 – Seen, known, forgiven – Luke 19: 1-10
When unpopular tax-collector Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus over the heads of the crowd, Jesus spots him and calls him by name. Jesus knows us by name too, and is not bothered by what others think of us: Jesus wants us as his friend.
teaching / forgiveness / disciple / sycamore tree / tax collector / known / accepted
8th Mar 2021 – Reconnecting with our parent God – Luke 11: 1-4 - Lord's Prayer (PDF | 2mb)
8th Mar 2021 – Reconnecting with our parent God – Luke 11: 1-4
When the disciples don't know how to pray, Jesus gives them a way of connecting with God like a child connects with a loving parent. We can use this way of praying as a "direct line" to God.
prayer / connection / relationship / Our Father / heaven / teaching
1st Mar 2021 – Limitless – Luke 9: 12-17 - feeding 5000 (PDF | 2mb)
1st Mar 2021 – Limitless – Luke 9: 12-17
Jesus has been teaching the people for hours and suddenly they realise they're hungry but have no food. A boy offers his packed lunch and Jesus takes what he has and makes it limitless, so everyone is fed and more. God's love is without limits, it's overflowing and excessive and abundant and for everyone.
miracle / blessing / provision / offering / child / discipleship / sharing / generosity
22nd Feb 2021 – This is me – Luke 4: 14-21 - Jesus reads in the synagogue (PDF | 2mb)
22nd Feb 2021 – This is me – Luke 4: 14-21
Jesus causes a bit of a stir in the synagogue when he is asked to read as he tells the people that the scriptures he is reading are about HIM !
synagogue / rabbi / scriptures / prophesy / anger / declaration / Sabbath / reading
15th Feb 2021 - Desert smackdown –Matthew 4: 1-11 - Temptation of Jesus (PDF | 2mb)
15th Feb 2021 - Desert smackdown –Matthew 4: 1-11
Before beginning his ministry, Jesus spends 40 days and nights in the desert. The devil tempts him but Jesus uses his knowledge of scripture to defeat the devil. What we learn from the Bible can help us to avoid temptation too.
temptation / devil / satan / worship / holy / desert / wilderness / prayer / Lent / fasting / ministry
8th Feb 2021 – Your time, God’s time – Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 - a time for everything (PDF | 2mb)
8th Feb 2021 – Your time, God’s time – Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
This poetry from Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything and that this time is God's time. Everything changes, nothing stays the same, but that's OK because God is in control.
seasons / time / change / opposites / funeral reading / turn, turn, turn / control
1st Feb 2021 – Frightened but trusting – Daniel 6: 1-23 - Daniel and the Lions (PDF | 2mb)
1st Feb 2021 – Frightened but trusting – Daniel 6: 1-23
Daniel persists in praying, even though the king made a law to say that praying was forbidden on penalty of death. He is thrown into a pit of hungry lions, but God sends an angel to keep him safe.
Lion's den / prayer / brave / courage / trust / angel / trick / faith / danger
25th Jan 2021 – Handbook for living – Exodus 20: 1-17 – 10 - Ten Commandments (PDF | 2mb)
25th Jan 2021 – Handbook for living – Exodus 20: 1-17 – 10
God gives Moses ten commandments to share with the people which cover how to behave towards God and towards one another.
commandments / laws / rules / holy / mountain / tablets / people of God / thou shalt not
18th Jan 2021 – Handbook for life – The book of James (PDF | 2mb)
18th Jan 2021 – Handbook for life – The book of James
James writes a letter containing all sorts of advice for how to live a Christian life in society - is there anything we can learn from this too?
advice / life / commandments / rules / suggestions / prayer / peace / message / letter / epistle
11th Jan 2021 – No place to call home – Matthew 2: 13-15 - Escape to Egypt (PDF | 3mb)
11th Jan 2021 – No place to call home – Matthew 2: 13-15
Herod feels threatened by the news that a new King is born in Bethlehem so he plans to kill his rival. Jesus and his family flee to Egypt as refugees to escape persecution.
dream / vision / refugee / escape / threat / king / jealous / homeless / scared
7th Jan 2021 – Gifts of joy – Matthew 2: 1-1 - WIse men bring gifts (PDF | 2mb)
7th Jan 2021 – Gifts of joy – Matthew 2: 1-1
The final "Hope and Joy" Advent/Epiphany issue sees the wise men journeying to present their gifts to Jesus, Mary and Joseph and to worship the new king.
wise ones / magi / Herod / star / orient / frankincense / myrrh / gold / journey / gifts / prophesy
31st Dec 2020 – Sharing the joy – Luke 2: 8-20 - shepherds (PDF | 2mb)
31st Dec 2020 – Sharing the joy – Luke 2: 8-20
Fifth in the "Hope and Joy" Advent / Epiphany series, the shepherds travel to the stable to see the baby but do not stay there - they go out to spread the news far and wide and share the joy.
shepherds / sheep / manger / stable / nativity / Christmas / Advent / joy / angel
23rd Dec 2020 – Advent 4: Joy to the world – Luke 2: 6-7 - Jesus is born (PDF | 2mb)
23rd Dec 2020 – Advent 4: Joy to the world – Luke 2: 6-7
Fourth in the "Hope and Joy" Advent/Epiphany series, we celebrate the birth of Christ with all in the stable.
stable / angel / shepherds / Christ / Jesus / baby / nativity / Christmas / Advent
17th Dec 2020 – Advent 3: Walking in hope – Luke 2: 1-6 - journey to Bethlehem (PDF | 2mb)
17th Dec 2020 – Advent 3: walking in hope – Luke 2: 1-6
Third in the "Hope and Joy" Advent/Epiphany series, this issue sees Mary and Joseph responding to the census call and travelling to Bethlehem, even though Mary is heavily pregnant. Will they find a place to stay?
census / augustus / quirinius / Bethlehem / nativity / journey / no room in the inn / stable / manger
10th Dec 2020 – Advent 2: Sharing the hope - Luke 1: 26-56, Matthew 1: 19-24 - Angels (PDF | 3mb)
10th Dec 2020 – Advent 2: sharing the hope - Luke 1 verses 26-56 and Matthew 1 verses 19-24
Angels appear to both Mary, Joseph and Elizabeth, telling them of two impending births.
Gabriel / angel / messenger / Mary / Joseph / Elizabeth / John / baby / Jesus / nativity / Christmas / Annunciation
3rd Dec 2020 – Advent 1: Promises of hope - Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:2-3 & 6, Micah 5:12 & 4-5 (PDF | 2mb)
3rd Dec 2020 – Advent 1: promises of hope - Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:2-3 & 6, Micah 5:12 & 4-5
The birth of the Messiah is prophesied by several Old Testament Prophets
Prophet / prophesy / light / darkness / Old Testament / scripture / Christmas / nativity / Advent
26th Nov 2020 – Love is……….so what? – 1 Corinthians 13 - Love is... (PDF | 2mb)
26th Nov 2020 – Love is……….so what? – 1 Corinthians 13
In Paul's letter to the Christians in Corinth he talks about the nature of Love and that God IS Love - but it's all very well believing in God and saying God is love, do our actions and attitudes match our words?
love / positive / kindness / patience / self-control / teaching / epistle / letter
19th Nov 2020 – Firm foundations in shaky times – Matthew 7: 24-28 - wise and foolish (PDF | 2mb)
19th Nov 2020 – Firm foundations in shaky times – Matthew 7: 24-28
Jesus told a parable about a wise and a foolish builder. One built on rock and the other on sand. Where do we put our trust? Do we build on solid foundations, the foundation of God's word?
parable / teaching / builder / wise and foolish / rock and sand / foundations / decisions / trust / faith / condidence
12th Nov 2020 – Stand firm with God – Ephesians 6: 10-18 - armour of God (PDF | 2mb)
12th Nov 2020 – Stand firm with God – Ephesians 6: 10-18
Paul writes to the Christians in Ephasus and tells them that their faith is like an armour that will protect and strengthen them in adversity.
epistle / letter / church / advice / armour / breastplate / sword and shield / sandals /
5th Nov 2020 – Abigail: peacemaker – 1 Samuel 25:1-35 – Abigail (PDF | 1mb)
5th Nov 2020 – Abigail: peacemaker – 1 Samuel 25:1-35
Abigail meets David's army and brokers peace between David and her husband Nabal, who had stolen from David and insulted him. How can we follow her example and be peacemakers too?
intervention / intercession / peace / peacemaker / sacrifice / war / example
29th Oct 2020 – God is……….. – 1 Kings 18: 20-39 - Elijah and Baal (PDF | 2mb)
29th Oct 2020 – God is……….. – 1 Kings 18: 20-39
Elijah challenges the prophets of the false god Baal to a contest and defeats them, showing that God is the only true god.
Baal / Elijah / prayer / altar / sacrifice / proof / truth / nature of God
22nd Oct 2020 – More than you asked for – Acts 3: 1-11 - Healing at beautiful gate (PDF | 2mb)
22nd Oct 2020 – More than you asked for – Acts 3: 1-11
A lame beggar asks Peter and John for money, but receives more than he expected - he is healed. God's goodness is limitless!
miracle / disciples / Beautiful Gate / lame / healing / begging / faith / Holy Spirit
15th Oct 2020 – Keep your eyes on Jesus – Matthew 14: 22-34 - walking on water (PDF | 2mb)
15th Oct 2020 – keep your eyes on Jesus – Matthew 14: 22-34
When Peter is in his fishing boat, he sees Jesus walking towards him on the water. He leaps out and walks towards Jesus, but the minute he takes his eyes off Jesus, he sinks.
Fishermen / trust / faith / miracle / fear
9th Oct 2020 – Celebrate and thanks – Leviticus 23: 42-43 - Sukkoth (PDF | 2mb)
9th Oct 2020 – Celebrate and thanks – Leviticus 23: 42-43
Sukkoth is the Jewish festival of Booths which is linked to the Christian celebration of Harvest, thanking God for all the good gifts we are given.
Celebration / festivals / thanks /thanksgiving / sukkot / harvest
1st Oct 2020 – God’s rainbow – Genesis 7-9 - Noah (PDF | 2mb)
1st Oct 2020 – God’s rainbow – Genesis 7-9
Following the flood, Noah and the animals finally step out onto dry land, trusting in God's promise that they would be safe. The rainbow reminds us of God's promise that God will love and care for us if we accept that promise and become God's people.
Noah's Ark / flood / safety / animals / anger / disobedience / promise / rainbow / blessing
24th Sept 2020 – It’s the small things – Luke 13: 18-19 - Mustard seed (PDF | 2mb)
24th Sept 2020 – It’s the small things – Luke 13: 18-19
Jesus tells his followers that faith is like a mustard seed that grows from a small beginning into a mighty tree. A tiny bit of faith is enough for a starter.
faith / mustard seed / growth / trust / parable / simile / teaching
17th Sept 2020 – Round the table – 1 Kings 3 - Wisdom of Solomon (PDF | 1mb)
17th Sept 2020 – Round the table – 1 Kings 3
Solomon could have asked God for any gift, but he asked for Wisdom. He uses his wisdom when two women come arguing over a baby.
wisdom / decisions / justice / betrayal / trick / blessing
10th Sept 2020 – Looking back, moving forward – Exodus 13: 17-22 - pillar of cloud and fire (PDF | 2mb)
10th Sept 2020 – Looking back, moving forward – Exodus 13: 17-22
The people of God have escaped slavery in Egypt and are wandering the desert. God sends a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night to lead them to a new land.
Exodus / Red sea / pillar of cloud / pillar of fire / column / desert / wilderness / Israel / Hebrews / following / faith
3rd Sept 2020 – Don’t stop the children – Mark 10: 13-14 (PDF | 4mb)
3rd Sept 2020 – Don’t stop the children – Mark 10: 13-14
Jesus intervenes when the disciples try to stop the children in the crowd getting through to him. The kingdom of heaven is for those who come to Jesus like a child.
disciples / teaching / children / kingdom of heaven / childlike / approach
27th Aug 2020 – Sing out: a song of WOW – Psalm 104 (PDF | 2mb)
27th Aug 2020 – Sing out: a song of WOW – Psalm 104
This is a song written by David about the wonders of creation and how amazing God is. How can we get closer to God through creation?
creation/ environment / world / nature / wonder / awe / song / adoration
20th Aug 2020 – What do you bring? – John 6 - feeding the multitude (PDF | 2mb)
20th Aug 2020 – What do you bring? – John 6
Jesus performs a miracle with what a small boy brings to the mix - the donation of his lunch, at the risk of going short himself, enables Jesus to feed thousands.
miracle / offering / donation / gift / service / multitude / helping / children / blessing
13th Aug 2020 – Wise words – The book of Proverbs (PDF | 2mb)
13th Aug 2020 – Wise words – The book of Proverbs
Solomon was known for being wise and wrote many proverbs, along with proverbs from other people, with advice for living wisely. Some are sound, some are a bit out of place today, but there is a lot to learn from wise words.
Solomon / wisdom / advice / proverbs / quotes / suggestions
6th Aug 2020 – Nothing’s impossible in God’s time – John 11 - Lazarus (PDF | 2mb)
6th Aug 2020 – Nothing’s impossible in God’s time – John 11
Jesus doesn't respond straight away when he hears his friend is sick and by the time he gets there, Lazarus has died. But the family's prayers haven't gone unanswered, it is just that the answer is coming in God's time, not theirs.
resurrection / healing / friendship / miracle / Lazarus / Mary and Martha / Bethany / tomb / death / prayer
30th July 2020 – Be, look, listen, DO. – Matthew 25: 31-45 - sheep and goats (PDF | 2mb)
30th July 2020 – Be, look, listen, DO. – Matthew 25: 31-45
Jesus warns about judgement and says that people will be separated like sheep being separated from goats, depending on how they acted towards others. Whatever we do for others, we are doing for Jesus.
teaching / separation / judgement / death / heaven / social action / justice / blessing
23rd July 2020 – Work in progress – Ezra/ Nehemiah - building the temple (PDF | 2mb)
23rd July 2020 – Work in progress – Ezra/ Nehemiah
The prophets Ezra and Nehemiah each had a job to do for God - by rebuilding the temple, they were to help rebuild the people's relationship with God.
prophet / temple / plans / building / project / prophesy / messenger / architect / Babylon / Jerusalem
16th July 2020 – Let’s get right to the point. – John 8: 2-22 - Woman committing adultery (PDF | 3mb)
16th July 2020 – Let’s get right to the point. – John 8: 2-22
When the crowd are intent on stoning a woman who was caught doing wrong, Jesus says that anyone who has never done anything wrong can go first. The crowd disappear. They are pointing the finger, but he gets right to the point about forgiveness and grace.
teaching / adultery / sin / forgiveness / accusation / stoning / punishment / judgement
9th July 2020 – Whatever next? – Exodus 7/8/14 - plagues in Egypt (PDF | 3mb)
9th July 2020 – Whatever next? – Exodus 7/8/14
The Israelites are captive in Egypt and God sends Moses to ask Pharaoh to free them. But Pharaoh isn't keen on losing his workforce until God sends a series of plagues to persuade him to change his mind.
Red Sea / Exodus / Hebrew / slavery / persecution / plague / death / waiting / desert / Passover / journey
2nd July 2020 – Put legs on your prayers – Mark 2: 1-12 - paralysed man (PDF | 2mb)
2nd July 2020 – Put legs on your prayers – Mark 2: 1-12
Four friends carry their paralysed friend to Jesus but can't get past the crowd. So they think outside the box, climb the stairs, break through the roof, and lower their friend down to Jesus' feet. Their efforts bring healing.
Miracle / friendship / disciples / social action / justice / healing / helping
25th June 2020 – Glimpses of God – Revelation 21: 1-5 - New Heaven, New Earth (PDF | 2mb)
25th June 2020 – Glimpses of God – Revelation 21: 1-5
The Book of Revelation is a strange vision with lots of symbolism about God and Heaven. This passage gives a glimpse of what life in God's Kingdom might be like. What glimpses of God do we get in our everyday lives?
vision / revelation / judgement / re-creation / imagery / kingdom / fresh start / heaven
18th June 2020 – Chosen too – Mark 1: 16-19/ 2: 13-14/ 3: 13-19 - choosing disciples (PDF | 2mb)
18th June 2020 – Chosen too – Mark 1: 16-19/ 2: 13-14/ 3: 13-19
In these passages, Jesus chooses his closest friends, his disciples. He calls us to follow him too.
calling / vocation / disciple / discipleship / friends
11th June 2020 – Chosen one – 1 Samuel 16/ Psalm 139 - David becomes king (PDF | 2mb)
11th June 2020 – Chosen one – 1 Samuel 16/ Psalm 139
God chooses all sorts of people to be disciples, and God told Samuel that David was the one who would be king, even though David was a really young shepherdboy and the youngest in his family. But God knows us and has plans for us.
choose / disciple / discipleship / annoint / plans / future / potential / calling / vocation
4th June 2020 – 70x7 = forgiveness – Matthew 18: 21-35 (PDF | 2mb)
4th June 2020 – 70x7 = forgiveness – Matthew 18: 21-35
When Jesus is asked how many times you should forgive, he says a really big number, really meaning that you should never stop forgiving because God doesn't stop forgiving us. Jesus tells a story about forgiveness.
story / parable / teaching / forgiveness / debt / mercy / grace
28th May 2020 – Pentecost power – Acts 2 - Coming of Holy Spirit (PDF | 2mb)
28th May 2020 – Pentecost power – Acts 2
Jesus has ascended into heaven and the disciples feel alone and afraid.... until their lives are changed by the Holy Spirit.
pentecost / languages / tongues / fire / wind / holy spirit / holy ghost / promise / power
21 May 2020 – The roller-coaster of emotions – Jonah 1 and 2 (PDF | 2mb)
21 May 2020 – The roller-coaster of emotions – Jonah 1 and 2
This story is a real roller coaster, as Jonah tries to avoid doing what God asks and ends up inside a big fish. Life can be full of different emotions but God is always there to support us and guide us.
obedience / emotions / trust / changes / adversity / prophet / mission / Ninevah / whale / fish /
14th May 2020 – Never the wrong time to do the right thing – Mark 3: 1-6 - Sabbath (PDF | 2mb)
14th May 2020 – Never the wrong time to do the right thing – Mark 3: 1-6
Healing is needed, but it's not allowed on the Sabbath. What will Jesus do? Are the rules more important than helping someone in need?
emotions / plot / healing / rules / Sabbath / crippled / withered /
7th May 2020 – Sing out: God is in charge – Psalm 93 - God is King (PDF | 2mb)
7th May 2020 – Sing out: God is in charge – Psalm 93
In this psalm, David sings out that God is in control, is king, is in charge and sees God's hand in everything around him. Can we sing a similar song?
psalm / song / king / reign / lord / in charge / control / creation / adoration
30th April 2020 – Be the star you are – Book of Esther (PDF | 2mb)
30th April 2020 – Be the star you are – Book of Esther
Esther is chosen to be the queen, even though she is a Jew, but evil Mordecai plots to have the Jews destroyed. Esther is the only person who can intervene, but she will have to be brave and trust in God.
trust / risks / persecution / faith / injustice / justice / discrimination / diversity / courage
23rd April 2020 – You are not lost – Luke 15: 1-7 - Lost Sheep (PDF | 2mb)
23rd April 2020 – You are not lost – Luke 15: 1-7
In this parable, Jesus compares God to a shepherd who will do everything in his power to bring home those who stray away from God's care. Even when we feel lost or alone, God loves us and values us and will envelop us in love.
Coronavirus / Covid / lost sheep /good shepherd / 99 / ninety-nine / sheepfold / value / God's love
16th April 2020 – Listening to God – Exodus 3 - Burning Bush (PDF | 1mb)
16th April 2020 – Listening to God – Exodus 3
Moses is hiding in the desert but God appears to him in a burning bush and tells him there's a job in store for him. God calls us for all sorts of reasons and in all sorts of ways, so how do we listen for God?
holy place / burning bush / Moses / calling / vocation / God's voice / listening / I AM
9h April 2020 – A supper to remember – Matthew 26: 17-30 - Last Supper (PDF | 1mb)
9h April 2020 – A supper to remember – Matthew 26: 17-30
Before he died, Jesus ate the Passover meal with his friends and shared bread and wine with them, saying that they should always remember him when they ate together like that. It was the first communion.
Passover / teaching / communion / Eucharist / sacrament / bread and wine / last supper / upper room / remembrance / sharing / Easter / Holy Week