Your church
Information, advice and guidance to help you take a more active role in your church, manage your church activities, and get involved in your local and global community
Information and support
Information and support
Guidance, support and information on a range of topics to support local churches.
Staying safe in church buildings
Information for staying safe in churches and to prevent or minimise the effects of hate crimes and attacks.
Church finance
Financial information and guidance for our church and synod treasurers.
The church buildings fund
Providing either grants or loans for local church building projects.
In the local and global community
In the local and global community
From engaging with your local community to supporting fairtrade and global justice, find out how your church can make a difference
Commitment for Life
Find out more about Commitment for Life, what it means to be part of the programme and how your church can get involved.
Greener church
In the light of the climate emergency, we know we need to act urgently, discover how your church can become a greener church.
Church related community work
Discover how your church can have a positive impact on local communities and neighbourhoods by becoming a Church Related Community Work (CRCW) project.
Family-friendly church
Family-friendly church
Resources, support and activities to help make your church welcoming to children and young people, and their families.
Resources aimed at introducing churches to intergenerational ministry through gathered worship.
Children and youth friendly church scheme
The Children and Youth Friendly Church Scheme can help your church improve the welcome it gives to children, young people and families.
Lundie Memorial Award
Nominate a child or young person for the Lundie Memorial Award and celebrate the good work they do for their church and community.
Safeguarding your church
We safeguard the integrity of creation, and we all walk the way together to ensure there is a sustained community of care where everyone – particularly the most vulnerable – find a place of love, pastoral care and support.
Safeguarding Good Practice
The URC’s Good Practice 6 book contains information to assist you in your day to day safeguarding responsibilities.
Policy Statement
The United Reformed Church’s Policy Statement outlines its committment to safeguarding in every area of its life and ministry.
Become a Safeguarding Coordinator
Guidance for those who have been asked to become the Safeguarding Coordinator, or deputy, in their local United Reformed Church.
Church guides
Church support guides
From using social media to crisis communications planning, we’ve produced a series of guides to help support you and your church.
Setting up public wi-fi for your church
Advice and guidance exploring the options available for setting up public wi-fi for your church.
Livestreaming your church service
Advice and guidance exploring the options available for livestreaming your church service.
Online and contactless giving
Advice and guidance on online and contactless giving options for churches.
Taking a role in your church
Taking a role in your church
Find out more about all the different types of church positions available and decide which one is right for you.
Become a church secretary
Find out more about the role of church secretary and what would be expected from you.
Become a church treasurer
This guidance is for those who are considering taking up or have very recently been appointed to the role of church treasurer in their local United Reformed Church.
Working with children & young people
From becoming a youth worker to a children’s work volunteer, find out how you can support young people in the URC.
Prayer and worship resources
Prayer and worship resources
Prayer, hymn and worship resources to help your church.
Worship notes
Worship Notes is a free resource for anyone who leads and plans worship. We offer prayers for Sunday Services, thoughts on the readings, and hymn suggestions.
URC Worship Book
Material for Holy Communions, Baptisms, Confirmations, weddings, funerals, ordinations, inductions, public worship and the Lord’s Prayer.
Pulpit supply materials
As part of the URC’s support of local churches we are pleased to make Powerpoint Pulpit Supply Materials freely available to churches.
Other Resources
GA Moderator’s Blog
The Revd Tim Meadows, writes and reflects on the things he does, places he visits, people he meets during his time in office
URC News Update
A downloadable versions of our News Update, formatted for print, for you to to cut and paste into your church newsletters and magazines.
Public Issues
Find out how we work for peace and justice through listening, learning, praying, speaking and acting on public policy issues, as part of the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT)
URC Church Update
URC Church Update enables you to make changes to the information we hold on your church and information we hold about people in key roles in your church at any time of the year
Grants & funding opportunities
Find out about the grants and funding opportunities the URC offers churches, community groups and individuals
Mission Enabling Fund
The United Reformed Church is a Multicultural Church engaging in Mission in the world and working to become an anti-racist church. Through the Mission Enabling Fund we aim to give some financial support to Mission projects.
URC History Society
The URC History Society is open to anyone interested in the history of the denomination
Church Buildings Forum
A website that helps churches to think creatively about the potential and the missional use of buildings