Mission Enabling Fund
The United Reformed Church is a Multicultural Church engaging in Mission in the world and working to become an anti-racist church. Through the Mission Enabling Fund we aim to give some financial support to Mission projects.
Who can apply?
There are two categories of grants available from the Mission Enabling Fund:
- Special project grants
- These can be applied for by any local United Reformed Church.
- A grant may be used for a one-off Mission Project for example, starting a Church Holiday Club, helping fund a local week of Mission etc.
- A maximum of £1,000 may be applied for.
- Three-year developmental grants for mission projects/organisations
- These can be applied for by any local United Reformed Church, Synod, or wider Mission Organisation.
- A grant may be used for a longer-term project or programme.
- A maximum of £6,000 over three years (i.e. £2,000 per year) may be applied for.
Criteria and process
Applicants are required to fill in the following application form. Applications should pay particular attention to:
- Providing a brief description of the project and its impact.
- Addressing one or more of the priorities for mission
- Demonstrating an element of collaboration or partnership.
- Indicating what other sources of funding or voluntary/in-kind support are available for the project.
Please note:
- A local church, synod or mission organisation may only apply for a grant once per year.
- If the same church, synod or organisation applies again in a following year, it must be for a different project.
- The project applied for must take place after the closing date for application.
- Any organisation or church or project currently receiving URC Legacy funding will not be eligible for a grant from the Mission Enabling Fund.
The Mission Committee of the United Reformed Church will expect to receive a written evaluation report of the Mission Project and how the funding was used.
Special project grants: a final evaluation report must be received no later than 6 months after the grant is given.
Developmental grants: a report must be received at the end of each year (the following year’s funding will not be released until this is received) and a final evaluation report must be received no later than 6 months after the project has ended.
Priorities for mission
Spirituality and prayer
We will grow in our practice of prayer and spirituality, nurturing strength for our witness to Jesus Christ, and developing our discernment of where God is and what God is calling us to do by reading and studying the Bible and through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The URC will be a Church where every local congregation will be able to say who they are, what they do and why they do it
Christian Ecumenical Partnerships
We will be more confident in our identity, valuing the treasures of our tradition, discerning when to seek ecumenical partnerships, and when and how to seek the further unity of the Church
Community partnerships
We will be a Church that is more active in the life of local neighbourhoods.
Hospitality and diversity
We will be a Church committed to becoming even more welcoming and hospitable, and embracing all people equally.
We will be more confident to engage in evangelism, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God with friends, families and strangers, through story and action
Church growth
We will be a growing Church with an increasing membership.
Global partnerships
We will be a Church that is an active partner in God’s global mission with other Churches around the world
Justice and peace
We will be a Church committed to peacemaking and reconciliation that keeps faith with the poor and challenges injustice
The integrity of creation
We will be a Church that has taken significant steps to safeguard the integrity of creation, to sustain and renew the life of the earth.
How to apply for the fund
Download and complete the Mission Enabling Fund application form below:
- Mission Enabling Fund application form (Word | 36kb)
Completed applications should be emailed to [email protected]
Applications will be considered within 28 days of receipt, and applicants will be informed by email of decisions made.
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