Pilots is an ecumenical, non-uniformed organisation open to all children and young people. Believing that every child and young person matters, Pilots aims to meet the needs of each community in which it functions, offering children and young people safe and caring environments to flourish in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
Pilots companies, based in local churches around the UK, usualy meet on a weekday night, providing different activities, games and challenges to suit all ages and abilities,
If you already are a Pilots company, you can share information on the Pilots website.
The main manual of Pilots, ‘The Compass’ (PDF | 12mb), provides all the information and guidance local Pilots companies need to set themselves up, organise their programmes and keep everything safe, informative and fun for all involved.
The word Pilots is related to the maritime past from which the organisation was established, when children collected pennies for the London Missionary Society to fund missionary ships in memory of John Williams and, in gratitude, the LMS set up this organisation.

The name also acts as an acronym, with each letter representing one of the core principles of the organisation:
- Praying – Communicating with God and thinking about what God wants of us
- Interest – Nurturing our understanding of topics which we enjoy exploring
- Learning – Growing in our knowledge of new things
- Overseas – Deepening our understanding of life, culture and faith around the globe
- Talent – Developing our abilities in the hobbies and activities we enjoy
- Service – Looking after the people around us and the world which God has gifted to us
In the past many publications were produced for Pilots companies, in particular an annual Overseas Voyage and Worship Materials which provide sessions to follow on a particular theme. In latter years, these have become part of much wider ranging publications available to all URC children’s and youth groups across the denomination. These more recent booklets may be found on the URC Children’s and Youth Work resources pages but those specifically written for Pilots are available below.
- Heroes and Villains Pilots Worship Resource (amended) (PDF | 422kb)
- Overseas Voyage to Fiji (PDF | 14mb)
- Overseas Voyage to Taiwan (PDF | 26mb)
- Overseas Voyage to South Korea (PDF | 4mb)
- Feasts and Festivals Worship pack (PDF | 3mb)
- Pilgrimage Worship Pack (PDF | 7mb)
- Roots and Foundations Worship pack (PDF | 5mb)
If you would be interested in starting up a Pilots group in your church, do contact your local synod children’s and youth work representative who can tell you more or put you in touch with a Pilots representative in your region. Pilots volunteer leaders meet together regularly online and face-to-face to share ideas and encourage one another and form a strong and mutually supportive network. You may also be interested in the Pilots facebook page.
To find out more visit the Pilots website where registered companies share resources and ideas.