Children and youth work
The free resources and ideas on this page are developed to equip children, families, young people, young adults, and those who engage with them.
We are here to help build an intergenerational church where everyone belongs, is valued and has a voice.
Themed All-age Resource Books
Here you will find links to all the Children and Youth Work themed all-age resource books
Holiday Clubs
All our holiday club materials and resources on one handy fun-filled page
Go with Greta and Connect
A free online resource to help children and young people engage with global issues
Prayer Prompts for Children
A free resource using symbols, words and pictures to help children pray
Families on Faith Adventures
A free resource to help families worship, pray and develop their faith together
Small grants fund
Our small grants fund can be used to support children and youth work activities and training
Pilots is an ecumenical, non-uniformed organisation open to all children and young people that’s based in local churches
Synod children & youth workers
Find out who they are, what they do, and how they can help you
Downloads & Resources
This is our downloads page, where you can find admin paperwork and resources common to all our programmes
Related content
Advent Pack 2024
‘Step into the ‘Story, the URC’s Advent pack for 2024 is available from here.
Family-friendly church
Resources, support and activities to help make your church welcoming to children and young people, and their families
Friends on Faith Adventures
Friends on Faith Adventures is a two-year Bible-based programme of formatted sessions for groups of children aged 5 to 11
Become a children’s work volunteer
Find out more about the role and what would be expected from you.
Become a youth work volunteer
Find out more about the role and what would be expected from you
Become a children & youth work elder
Find out more about the role and what would be expected from you
Download our newsletter
Partner organisations
Messy Church
Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration
Girls Brigade
Church-based uniformed organisation helping girls and women explore and engage with real life and Christian faith in fun, informative and hopeful ways
Boys Brigade
A uniformed organisation providing young people with opportunities to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith
The URCGSF aims to support Guiding and Scouting in particular within the church, to work with those responsible for children’s and youth work within the church