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Sun’s energy powers up Sunday services at Woking URC

22 Jan 2024
A Woking church has achieved its dream of powering their entire building using electricity generated by the sun following the installation of 134 solar roof panels and eight large storage batteries. The cutting-edge technology will allow Woking United Reformed Church in Wessex Synod to produce and store five months’ worth of its annual electricity needs, […]

Brothers gain November’s Lundie Memorial Award

22 Jan 2024
Two brothers from the United Reformed Church Southern Synod have gained November’s Lundie Memorial Award. Tawonga, 20, Malumbo, 16, who attend Gillingham URC, were nominated by Pam Tolhurst, a local leader at the church, who said she and the church were “very proud” of them. “They are fantastic contributors to the life of the church […]

A witness to peace in person and around the globe

10 Jan 2024
The United Reformed Church is saddened to hear of the death in November of the Revd John Johansen-Berg, Moderator of the URC General Assembly 1980-1981, who served at Luton and Dunstable, with the Birkenhead Team Ministry, at the Rock Centre, Liverpool, at Fulham Palace Road and at Rubery. John was Chair of the Fellowship of […]

Church leaders call for urgent poverty action

05 Jan 2024
Senior leaders from churches and charities, including the United Reformed Church, have called on politicians to take urgent action on rising poverty in the UK and around the world. In a joint statement released on Friday, January 5, senior Christian leaders – including the General Secretary of Churches Together in England, President and Vice-President of […]

New Year Honour for Dr Mebrahtu

03 Jan 2024
Dr Teame Mebrahtu, a long standing member of Redland Park URC in Bristol, has been awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours for services to education, refugees, and the community of Bristol. He is an international advocate for the peaceful integration of refugees and a respected academic – who also became one of Bristol’s […]
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