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Join 10-day climate justice prayer vigil

05 Feb 2024
People up and down the country are giving some of their time during Lent for a 10-day climate justice prayer vigil outside the Houses of Parliament. The event – which will run around-the-clock from February 14-24 – has been organised by a coalition of charities including A Rocha UK, Christian Aid, Christian Climate Action, Green […]

Reform magazine: February 2024 issue out now!

30 Jan 2024
A moving story of solidarity begins February’s Reform interview with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenburg. The rabbi talks to Stephen Tomkins about the pain of the current war in Gaza and the West Bank. He also discusses his new book, which unpacks the scriptures of the Torah, shared by both Jews and Christians. Within those scriptures, Andy […]

Charities urge Lords to block Rwanda Bill

29 Jan 2024
The URC has joined 265 ecumenical partners, charities, and civil society bodies in urging the House of Lords to block the Rwanda Bill. In a joint civil society statement, published ahead of  a second reading on 29 January, the organisations call the bill a “constitutionally extraordinary and deeply harmful piece of legislation” that undermines the […]

December Lundie award winner announced

29 Jan 2024
An enthusiastic and dedicated fundraiser, aged 12, has won December’s Lundie Memorial Award. Evie Lawrenson who attends Elswick URC in North Western Synod was nominated by Heather Twig, the church’s leader. Describing Evie as “enthusiastic”, Heather said: “It has been a joy for church members to see her faith grow and deepen over time.” Evie […]

Names sought for new task groups

29 Jan 2024
More than 150 people gathered online for the first of the URC’s Church Life Review (CLR) webinars held on 24 January. With excitement building about new emerging communities of mission and discipleship, the General Secretariat explained the current stage of the CLR and the aim of focusing on how those new communities can be commissioned […]

Around the URC in seven days: 22-29 January 2024

22 Jan 2024
A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church over the past seven days: 22-29 January 2024. People of every faith walked side-by-side from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square and back again in silence over the weekend in solidarity with people affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine, Europe and elsewhere. Lindsey Brown, […]
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