United Reformed Church

Home Ministers’ Gathering

Ministers’ Gathering

The Ministers’ Gathering of the URC takes place every four years for Ministers and Church Related Community Workers to find refreshment, encouragement, affirmation and appreciation through keynote addresses, workshops and space for conversation and reflection.

Here you can download resources, watch videos and read updates from the 2022 event.


In the closing session of the Ministers’ Gathering, General Secretary John Bradbury shared some reflections about what had been explored at the event: 

The Revd Najla Kassab, President of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, spoke at the Ministers’ Gathering. Here are resources from her talks: 

Workshop presentations

Bible studies by Dr Meg Warner


Where possible we have listed links to the daily music played at the Ministers’ Gathering.





Updates from the event

  • Ministers’ show Bishop support with signed Ukraine Reform poster Ministers have ensured that their support for Ukraine was conveyed loudly and clearly last week when hundreds of ministers and Church Related Community Workers (CRCWs) signed the back of a poster version of the cover of Reform’s April edition

  • Ministers Gathering 2022: A time of celebrating hospitality The Revd Najla Kassab, President of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, spoke at the United Reformed Church (URC) Ministers’ Gathering on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Ministers’ Gathering 2022: Before the jubilee Pádraig Ó Tuama’s first address to the United Reformed Church’s Ministers’ Gathering 2022 was a reflection on the temptations of Jesus as retold in the Gospel of Luke.
  • Ministers’ Gathering 2022: Who is the United Reformed Church? The Revd David Cornick, former Principal of Westminster College Cambridge, and former General Secretary of both the United Reformed Church (URC) and Churches Together in England, led a workshop at the Ministers’ Gathering which explored the history of URC.

  • Ministers’ Gathering 2022: The URC at 50 The Revd Dr John Bradbury, the United Reformed Church (URC) General Secretary, spoke to the URC’s Ministers’ Gathering on Monday afternoon, in a talk entitled: ‘The URC at 50: Maturing nicely or mid-life crisis?’

  • Hundreds attend Ministers’ Gathering 2022 Two hundred and fifty of the United Reformed Church Ministers and Church Related Community Workers from the denomination’s 13 synods, are spending four days being refreshed and encouraged at the 2022 Ministers’ Gathering.


United Reformed Church