Innovative “Conversations at the Crossroads” conference to take place

A group of 100 people is set to gather from 14-16 January for an innovative conference to discern where God is leading the URC in the months and years to come.

As part of the Church Life Review and challenged by the Theos report into the life, identity, and flourishing of the URC, “Conversations at the Crossroads” takes place at High Leigh Conference Centre in Hoddesdon and brings together “animators” – networks of people involved in mission, ministry, discipleship and evangelism within the URC – who have never previously met in one place.

The roles of the animators include mission enablers; training and development officers; pioneers; children and youth development officers; moderators; Assembly staff members; ministers; Church Related Community Workers; staff from the Resource Centres for Learning; as well as ecumenical partners.

In a setting of worship and reflection, those present will consider how the denomination can grasp the opportunity of potential resources freed by the Church Life Review to plant new Christian communities, as formally requested by General Assembly, and to grow existing ones.

The URC’s General Secretary, Revd Dr John Bradbury will open the conference with worship and the Revd Dr Robert Pope, Convenor of URC Worship, Faith & Order Committee, will lead Bible Studies on each day of the conference. Conversations will be facilitated by external facilitator Dr Nigel Pimlott, a mission and ministry consultant.

Reflecting the wide range of talents within the URC, there will be expressions of music, art and craft running as a thread through the conference which will close at lunchtime on 16 January. Visual Notetaker, Sara Parratt-Halbert will be present for the conference and her visual notes will subsequently be made available.

A news round-up will be published daily with the aim of capturing the spirit and content of each day of the event . Visit URC News to keep up-to-date.

Learn more about the Church Life Review.