Dedicated 14-year-old gains August’s Lundie Memorial Award

Fourteen-year-old Imogen Illingworth from Yorkshire Synod is the recipient of August’s Lundie Memorial Award, recognising her dedication and role in her church community at Westfield URC.

Nominated by Kath Lonsdale, her youth group leader, Imogen is praised as a positive role model who regularly invites friends to attend church with her and shares her faith openly.

Imogen’s commitment to Westfield URC began when she joined SHINE (Serve Him in Everything), the church’s youth group, at the age of seven. Her enthusiasm for attending church has never wavered, not even during the pandemic when she continued to join online services.

Imogen enjoys helping younger children and serving refreshments after services, and her love for the church environment is clear, as she says it’s more fun than school and a place where she feels at home.

For example, Imogen said: “If I have friends sleeping over I always say to them ‘I am going to church do you want to come with me?’ If they say no I say ‘I am not missing it’ and go on my own.”

Imogen’s faithful attendance and involvement are just part of why she was chosen for the award.

She expressed joy upon learning she would be August’s recipient, and invited her parents to the award ceremony held in early September, when Megan Tilbrook, the Yorkshire Synod’s children and young people development practitioner,  presented her with the honour.

As part of the Lundie Award, Imogen will receive £100. True to her generous spirit, she intends to split the money between supporting SHINE and contributing to the Wyke foodbank, with thoughts of using it to buy toys or food for families in need during Christmas.

The Lundie Memorial Award celebrates the efforts of young people like Imogen, who embody faith, service, and community.

To learn more about the Lundie Award or to nominate someone, visit the Children’s & Youth Work webpage.