John Proctor and I were invited to the Spirit of Windrush thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey on Friday, the 70th anniversary of the arrival of ...
Frustrated of Wakefield
I’ve got a problem, and I think it is particularly with the United Reformed Church. As a church leader I think I manage conflict OK (I daren’t boa...
URC’s Most Northerly Church
At the end of June, I spent a few days visiting our most northerly church: the Peedie Kirk in Kirkwall on the Orkney main island. Peedie means small...
Presbyterian Church of Wales General Assembly
I have recently returned from the annual General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Wales, held in Cardiff, over three very warm days at the beginning...
Dur-ham, Dur-ham, the home of the Pink Panther!
It is an old joke – where lives the pink panther – Durham, Durham! It may be this came more into my mind in Durham because it was there I worked i...
A Lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son
The locals here call Wrenthorpe a village, although it has long since been but a suburb of Wakefield! It shows the sense of community that still exist...