Matilda Willis, aged eight, from United Reformed Church (URC) West Midlands Synod has been named October’s recipient of the Lundie Memorial Award. M...
Fifteen churches receive holiday club grants
Thanks to grants from the United Reformed Church (URC) Children’s and Youth Work (CYW) Team, 15 clubs were supported this summer with a grant of...
Youth work grant helps fund Mexican adventure
A Children’s and Youth Work (CYW) grant has helped a teenager participate on an adventure in Mexico. Maya Withall, aged 17, is a member of the U...
Helpful junior church member gains Lundie award
A “loyal, reliable and active” volunteer has been named the recipient of September’s Lundie Memorial Award. Jessica Warren, aged 24, of Cornerst...
Lundie Memorial Award Winners: July and August 2023
An active member of a Mersey church and a young West Midlands Pilots member have both gained a Lundie Memorial Award. Abby Mayers, aged 19, who attend...
Around the URC in seven days: 18-24 September 2023
A round up of news from around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the past seven days: 18-24 September. Southern Synod Caterham URC in Surrey is th...
Around the URC in seven days: 13-20 July 2023
A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the past seven days, 13-20 July. Southern Synod A house-bound woman who has manag...
Around the URC in seven days: 15-21 May 2023
A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the past seven days. Eastern Synod Congratulations to ten-year-old Lexi May Rose-...
Lundie Memorial Award Winners: January–March 2023
A savvy tech expert, a passionate helper, and a thoughtful act of kindness have netted three young people a Lundie Memorial Award. Throughout the year...