The Revd Nigel Uden, Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, reflects on the work, service and reputation of an influential Church l...
Focus hearts and minds on valuing God’s gifts
Inspired by Young people, Derek Estill, Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, encourages care for God’s environment, and finds o...
Green shoots of spring
Squelching around the manse lawn late in February, I noticed various green shoots of spring, snowdrops and daffodils among them. I had to be careful, ...
Remembering to Stand Together
Each year, on 27 January, the nation comes together to remember the Holocaust and the murder of six million Jews. This year’s ceremony also marked...
Spirit of Windrush: Contributions to Multicultural Britain
John Proctor and I were invited to the Spirit of Windrush thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey on Friday, the 70th anniversary of the arrival of ...
Frustrated of Wakefield
I’ve got a problem, and I think it is particularly with the United Reformed Church. As a church leader I think I manage conflict OK (I daren’t boa...
URC’s Most Northerly Church
At the end of June, I spent a few days visiting our most northerly church: the Peedie Kirk in Kirkwall on the Orkney main island. Peedie means small...
Presbyterian Church of Wales General Assembly
I have recently returned from the annual General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Wales, held in Cardiff, over three very warm days at the beginning...
Dur-ham, Dur-ham, the home of the Pink Panther!
It is an old joke – where lives the pink panther – Durham, Durham! It may be this came more into my mind in Durham because it was there I worked i...
A Lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son
The locals here call Wrenthorpe a village, although it has long since been but a suburb of Wakefield! It shows the sense of community that still exist...