The Revd Jenny Mills, the United Reformed Church’s (URC) Secretary for Education and Learning, has been appointed to serve as its Deputy General Sec...
Michael Hopkins inducted as Wessex Synod Moderator
On Saturday 23 March, 2024, the Revd Dr Michael Hopkins was inducted as Moderator of the URC Wessex Synod during an act of worship at London Street Un...
Commitment for Life launches urgent appeal
In response to the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Commitment for Life, the global justice programme of the United Reformed Church, is launchi...
GEAR Easter 2024 message
In this short video, the Revd Matt Stone, Chairman of Group for Evangelism and Renewal within the URC (GEAR), reflects on the God who comes along side...
Commit to justice and peace this Easter
The Revd Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson, General Assembly Moderator 2023-2024, offers this Easter message: Friends, grace and peace to you as we enter this s...
Alternative Easter Sunday: When shy rabbits and the resurrection meet
In this alternative, environmentally-themed Easter reflection, the Revd David Coleman, EcoChaplain for EcoCongregation Scotland, draws parallels betwe...
Reform Magazine: April edition
The April edition of Reform asks what we can learn from the Church in Africa, and wonders why African Christians ‘seem much more ready to give the r...
Around the URC in seven days: 18-24 March 2024
A round up of news from around the United Reformed Church over the past seven days: 18-24 March 2024. East Midlands Congratulations to Dave Dennis who...
Engineer who answered call to ministry retires
A minister who spent 30 years working in civil and structural engineering before answering the call is retiring after 13 years of service. The Revd Jo...