Story, Story, Story : 2024 Children’s and Youth Work Theme
Resources for everyone engaging with children, young people and young adults.
This resource explores the theme of stories – our story, God’s story, the stories Jesus told – and how the three intermingle; with an exploration of five different genres of story for all ages as well as the usual variety of articles, puzzles, colouring pages and more.
You’ll find a wide variety of ways to involve everyone, whatever their age or stage, across the year, and you will discover a wealth of material to enjoy with children, young people, young adults and in intergenerational contexts.
The resource headings for sections are only guides – please don’t limit yourself to those that most obviously fit your context as you will find great ideas you can adapt in other places.
If you don’t have any children of young people connected with your church, please:
- Enjoy the colouring pages and use some of the prayers, Bible studies and other materials with your adult groups
- Pray for those churches nearest to you which do, and the children and young people in your local community
- Offer these resources to your nearest uniformed group or school

Downloadable resources
- Story, Story, Story: 2024 Children’s and Youth Work Theme (PDF | 8mb)
- Colouring page – Psalm 78:3 (PDF | 392kb)
- Colouring page – Matthew 13:34 (PDF | 410kb)
- Colouring page – John 21:25 (PDF | 916kb)
- Walking the Way Challenge (PDF | 128kb)
- Puzzle pages (PDF | 2mb)