United Reformed Church

‘I am the vine, you are the branches’

URC 2026 People and Plants Calendar

Based on “I am the vine, you are the branches”, the 2026 URC Calendar will feature images of people and plants connected to the URC.

We have beautiful people and picturesque gardens in and around our churches, and we invite you to send in your photos of them all. Show your seeds of hope – from people of all ages (and please get permission for their photo to be taken and used by the URC), to established or new plants and gardens.

Image specifications

  • Landscape photos are preferred, and square and portrait images are also invited
  • Images in either JPG or PNG file format
  • Image should, ideally be no bigger than 3600 pixels wide (which should be around 3Mb)

Please include the name of the church and the photographer.

You can email your image(s) to the Press Office

And please note, that for any photos sent, the photographer is granting the URC permission to use the photographs in print and digitally.

The deadline for submitting your photos is Monday 30 June

The calendar will be available on the URC Bookshop from September.

St Andrews URC Richmond Hill Bournemouth

United Reformed Church