United Reformed Church

Useful organisations for church community engagement

A list of useful organisations providing resources, advice and training opportunities to support church community engagement.

Church Action on Poverty

An ecumenical, educational and campaigning agency committed to tackling poverty in the UK. Excellent resources and forums.

Church Mission Society

The Mission Resource Hub has lots of useful resources that you can search by theme, audience, season and type.

Cinnamon Network

The Cinnamon Network has lots of helpful ideas, resources & project possibilities to download for free on the Community Transformation Toolkit section of its website.

Together for the Common Good

An organisation helping people fulfil their civic vocation for the renewal of society -so many ideas, resources and toolkits!


An organisation about sharing, connecting, growing support and developing – finding new ways of being at the heart on the edge.

Faith Action

Its website is full of useful information and guidance on training, news and events.

Eden Project Communities

The Stuff You can do section of their website contains lots of ideas for projects and activities.

URC Church Buildings Forum

This is a resource to encourage and assist churches to develop creative thinking around the potential and use of their buildings. It is first and foremost about the missional use of the great variety of buildings that we have at our disposal

The National Estates Churches Network

A network of Church workers, clergy, community workers and many others who live and work on Housing Estates


Locality is the national membership network for community organisations.

Church Urban Fund

An organisation that works through Church of England’s local parish networks, with churches and alongside other faith-based and secular organisations, national and local government, charities and foundations, as well as individual supporters, to bring about positive change in communities.

Frontier Youth Trust

A Christian network dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of God by supporting, resourcing and training those working with and on behalf of disadvantaged young people. Many excellent resources.

Housing Justice

The national voice of Christian action in the field of housing. Its website has advice, resources and Homelessness Sunday packs.


It’s website has resources and trainers to enable churches to respond to challenges in their neighbourhoods.


A leading environmental regeneration charity working for sustainable development in many of the UK’s poorest communities. Its website has magazine, ideas and advice.

Transforming Lives for Good

Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) is a national Christian children’s charity that helps churches to bring hope and a future to struggling children.


Works with and for the voluntary sector by providing information, advice and support and by representing the views of the sector to government and policy-makers.

United Reformed Church