United Reformed Church

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Rusty British square postbox

Send us a postcard

Please help us bring as many URC experiences as possible to our 50th Anniversary Service at Methodist Central Hall, London, on Saturday 1 October, 2022.

We know not all of us will not be able to come to the service in person. But that need not prevent all of our experiences being represented and honoured; a great cloud of URC witnesses!

How we’ll use your postcard

We invite everyone across the URC to send in a postcard which we’ll use in photos on the screen as the service unfolds. The postcards themselves will also be displayed in the worship space itself.

We invite you to get a blank postcard and, on one side, write whatever you feel comfortable to share of your name, age and location (including which URC you are connected to). On the other side of your postcard, as imaginatively and brightly as possible, share your thanksgiving to God for an aspect of the URC that you want to celebrate. You could draw pictures, write something, quote a suitable Bible passage, etc.

Why not invite others connected to your congregation and/or enjoying your building to do the same?

Where to send your postcard

Please send completed cards to:

Sam Richards
United Reformed Church
Church House
86 Tavistock Place

We’ll need to receive the postcards by Monday 1 August 2022 in order to include them in the 50th Anniversary Service display.

United Reformed Church