Guidance and resources for Stepwise faciliators, mentors and those leading or coordinating Stepwise in a Synod.
Accredited Lay Preacher grant
Information about the United Reformed Church accredited lay preachers grant, who can apply for it and how to apply for it
Education for Ministry
Advice, information and guidance for students on the three phases of Education for Ministry in the United Reformed Church
Become a Worship Leader, even a Lay Preacher
Guidance for those who are considering becoming a Locally Recognised Worship Leader or an Assembly Accredited Lay Preacher in the URC
Ministry of Word & Sacraments
Advice and guidance for those exploring a calling to the Ministry of Word and Sacraments in the United Reformed Church
Stepwise is the discipleship development programme from the URC. Stepwise is for everyone: all ages, shapes and sizes – including you!
Mission and discipleship toolbox
A United Reformed Church resource to help you explore mission and discipleship, as well as share God's vision of justice and love