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URC celebrates 25 years of Community Project Awards

04 Jul 2023
At its 2023 General Assembly, the United Reformed Church celebrated 25 years of its Community Project Awards. The awards recognise outstanding community projects taking place in churches – projects that don’t get the recognition they deserve, but which demonstrate the mission of the Church by reaching out in many different ways to the local communities […]

NHS 75: Much to celebrate?

04 Jul 2023
The Revd Fran Kissack, a United Reformed Church minister and NHS hospital chaplain of more than 20 years, reflects on the NHS’ 75th anniversary, celebrated on 5 July. In a short video, Fran reflects on what its founder, Nye Bevan, might feel about the state of the under-resourced health service today, the commitment of its […]

General Assembly day four round-up: 3 July 2023

03 Jul 2023
The Revd Lindsey Sanderson led worship on the last morning of General Assembly 2023. The Revd Yufen Chen read Ephesians 4. Assembly then sang a hymn written specially by the Revd Dominic Grant in response to the discussions of the last four days.  Session ten Moderator-Elect 2023-2024 acceptance speech “Have we not seen assembly charting […]

General Assembly 2023 day three round-up: 2 July

02 Jul 2023
Day three of the United Reformed Church 2023 General Assembly started with worship and a Bible study led by Dr Nicola Brady, General Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, themed “A space of grace is a space of reconciliation and peace-making”. In her study, Dr Brady explored the theme through Mark 4:35-41, saying: […]

General Assembly day two round-up: 1 July 2023

01 Jul 2023
Day two of the United Reformed Church 2023 General Assembly started with worship and a Bible study led by Dr Nicola Brady, General Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. Dr Brady began with the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19. She talked about how in her own Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the […]

General Assembly day one round-up: 30 June 2023

30 Jun 2023
The 2023 General Assembly of the United Reformed Church, meeting both in-person and online, opened on 30 June at The Hayes Conference Centre in Swanwick and began with worship led by the Revd Lindsey Sanderson, Chaplain to the Moderator 2022-2023. “Spaces of grace” is the theme underpinning worship throughout Assembly, and this was the starting […]
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