Lundie Memorial Award: December 2024 award

Fourteen-year-old Joe Wood, from Yorkshire Synod, is December’s recipient of the Lundie Memorial Award.

Lu Hunt, the Children’s and Family’s Worker at Herringthorpe URC who made the nomination, described Joe as: “Someone who really does make a difference in the life of the church. We are so proud of Joe and we’re so grateful to him for everything that he chooses to do.”

Joe has been helping out at church for the past three years now and enjoys volunteering at the kids’ and holiday clubs, managing the technology for the team and is considered an invaluable asset as “holiday club would struggle to run without his expertise”.

Lu explained further: “Joe attends a Thursday evening youth group and has started a book and resource table laying out Christian books and things that advertise what goes on in the life of the church. He prides himself on sharing the Gospel where he can, including in school and at the youth group. At the Synod residential in Leeds in September last year, Joe did the same thing and brought things with him to encourage other young people to engage with the Bible. Joe is often overheard having conversations with other young people who ask him searching questions. This is an invaluable ministry within the church.”

Joe who was surprised to be Decembers winner said: “I like helping people to learn about Jesus and helping them to become disciples. I would say to any other young person considering being involved in their church that it’s good to get involved and help people become disciples.”

Joe’s future aspirations at church include working on a youth session to lead on a Sunday morning and completing his schoolwork experience within the church to enable him to learn about other ministries.

Each recipient of the Lundie award receives £100. Joe is yet to decide what he would like to spend the £100 on specifically but knows it will be used to continue sharing the gospel with others.

Learn more about the Lundie Memorial Award and how to make a nomination.