Nominations Committee FAQ
This page should answer all your questions relating to this new iteration of the Nominations Committee
Who do I need to speak to if my committee has a vacancy arising?
In the first instance, please email the Convenor of the Nominations Committee at [email protected]
In the interim period until the recruitment processes are published, the Nominations Committee will talk you through what to do.
Why is there a new Nominations Committee and why has its remit been changed?
The following resolution was passed at General Assembly 2023:
General Assembly:
a) Determines that all Nominations to serve the ongoing work of the General Assembly will be made in accordance with Safer Recruitment policies.
b) Instructs the Business Committee, in consultation with the officers of the current Nominations Committee, to appoint a Nominations Committee of six members, reflecting the diversity of the Church.
Its Terms of Reference will be:
- To adopt and keep up to date processes for Nominations, including proformas for application forms, guidance for interviews, and other resources necessary to facilitate the nominations process.
- To receive from committees (on behalf of themselves, or subcommittees, groups, panels, boards or representatives to outside bodies that are accountable to them), and external bodies Role Descriptions and Person Specifications, and to disseminate these widely through a variety of communications approaches and through Nominations Advocates, seeking nominations and applications.
- To receive from committees, groups, boards and external bodies names of people who have applied, been interviewed, and received appropriate references. To check that appropriate process has been followed, that appointment would recognise appropriate diversity and, when approved, forward names to General Assembly or Assembly Executive to confirm appointment. Committees are responsible for interviewing for any subcommittees or boards panels that are accountable to them, or representatives to bodies that report to them.
- To maintain a list of those available to serve on recruitment processes for General Assembly ministerial or staff appointments and to forward to the General Assembly or the Assembly Executive the names of those appointed or nominated for appointment.
- To liaise with external bodies with URC representation, so that General Assembly can make appropriate nominations or appointments in accordance with safer recruitment principles.
- To support and enable Nominations Advocates to effectively disseminate opportunities for service within their networks.
c) Instructs each Synod, URC Youth, and the Racial Justice Advocates Network (working with the Secretary for Global and Intercultural Ministries) to each appoint a ‘Nominations Advocate’ to be responsible for assisting with the dissemination of opportunities for service within their respective networks.
d) Instructs the Business Committee, in consultation with the officers of the current Nominations Committee, to bring this new process into being as soon as possible.
e) Recognises the need for staff administrative support for the good functioning of this process and instructs the General Secretariat to enable this.
What is the remit of the new Nominations Committee?
The responsibility of the new committee is to define processes to enable committees to advertise and recruit their own committee members, whilst abiding by safer recruitment practices. The Nominations Committee will then review recommendations of names from the committees.
What do I do if we have someone interested in a role who is under-18?
Please contact the Nominations Committee who will support you in this, alongside the Children and Youth Work Department. In time, advice on this will be included in our recruitment pack.
What is the new process for recruiting a committee member?
Here is the outline of the new process:
Identify the position needing to be filled by Committee.
Using the template, create a role descriptor.
Using guidance and advertising template, advertise the role widely within the URC.
Applications are made by interested parties using the online Expression of Interest form (as found in each role advert).
Interest forms screened to ensure they meet basic requirements in role descriptor and equality, diversity and inclusion values.
Pay attention to any declared criminal convictions and seek advice.
Conduct face to face meeting (ideally) to assess suitability and for open discussion.
Take up references
If under 18 seek advice from Nominations Committee.
Verify ID and check if DBS/PVG required.
Review all gathered material and make a decision on whether to nominate the candidate for the role.
Contact Nominations with information around process followed and decision made.
Nominations decision required before person can start in role.
Confirmation letter sent out by Committee with agreement to sign, and all relevant paperwork.