Around the URC in seven days: 9-15 December 2024

A round up of news from around the United Reformed News over the past seven days, 9-15 December 2024.

Wessex Synod

There were smiles all round last month as Kirsty Smith was commissioned as a student outreach worker, working across St Columba’s URC, New Road Baptist Church and Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, all in Oxford.

Kirsty – pictured second from left, with Gordon Woods, joint Church Secretary at St. Columba’s, Sorrel Eyres, an Elder at St Columba’s who took part in defining and recruiting the new role, and the Revd Anne Bedford who led the Communion service in which Kirsty was commissioned – will across the three churches to welcome students and build up mission to students in the city.

The team would appreciate the prayers of the whole church as it seeks to offer students welcome, support and places they can continue their journeys in faith.

Students heading to Oxford are very welcome to make contact with Kirsty at [email protected].

Eastern Synod

Congratulations to the Revd Peter Brewer who was presented with a certificate, by the Eastern Synod Moderator the Revd Lythan Nevard, celebrating 75 years since his ordination.

Now 103-years-old, Peter is “still bright and interested in life and a man of deep faith. He is exactly 44 years older than me as we share a birthday,” said Lythan.

National Synod of Scotland

The Scottish College is delighted to announce that Linda Harrison will be joining the team as College Manager on a part-time basis in the new year.

Linda has decades of experience in church and educational administration. Most recently she worked with the college’s educational partners at the Scottish Episcopal Institute and is also the Church Secretary of Augustine United Church in Edinburgh.

The Scottish College is one of the three Resource Centres for Learning that serve the URC.

Learn more about the URC’s Resource Centres for Learning.

Thames North

Congratulations to Sue Agyakwa who was commissioned by the Revd George Watt as Elder in pastoral charge at Bromley-by-Bow URC last month, and to Amersham Free Church and the efforts of its ‘eco committee’ which has gained a silver Eco Church award from A Rocha UK. The award was formally presented to the congregation by the church’s minister the Revd Ian Green in September.

East Midlands

A huge thank you was given to Audrey Turner of St Andrew’s URC Chesterfield who was presented with a Certificate for Long and Devoted Service at an autumn church meeting.

Over 32 years, Audrey has served the church over many years as an Elder, Christian Aid secretary, Commitment for Life advocate, Gift Aid secretary, pastoral carer, door steward, reader, tea, coffee and cake maker and until a few years ago junior church leader.

She is now moving to Cumbria to live nearer her daughter. In recognition of her service as a Commitment for Life Advocate, Audrey she was given a letter from Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, Programme Officer (Global Justice & Partnerships), and Suzanne Pearson, Commitment for Life Administrator, thanking her for her long and faithful service.

Audrey said how much she had enjoyed helping Commitment for Life make a difference to the lives of people in our partner country Zimbabwe and encouraging support for Christian Aid in the church and in the local community.

North Western

Chorley’s CRCW project has recently passed a significant milestone: five years of providing a vital presence in its community.

Andy Littlejohns, who began as Chorley’s Church Related Community Worker in 2019, said: “We’ve got an old, tired building that’s barely fit for purpose, nevertheless we opened for a drop-in three and half years ago and haven’t missed a week since.

“We see all sorts of people – isolated older people, young people struggling with their mental health, people struggling with or recovering from addiction, people who are in and out of prison, people who have no permanent place to call home, refugees, people working out who they are.

And for some that tired building is a positive – they feel like they’re allowed in, that it’s not too smart or posh for them”.