Reform magazine 2025: Issue one

Inside the first issue of Reform magazine for 2025:

A Buddhist chaplain is among those who ask whether values more important than beliefs in the latest issue of Reform, and Heather Moore reflects on her year as URC Youth President. She says the Church’s Youth Executive “epitomises how the URC values its young people”.

We remember John Tinniswood, a former URC Elder who became the world’s oldest man, and report on a global consultation on modern-day slavery attended by the Geoff Felton. Elsewhere, Geoff reflects broadly on slavery, past and present, and describes what he has learnt about justice, hope and humanity from recent encounters and studies. Addressing another pressing public issue, in the first of two Reform articles a survivor of church-based abuse responds to The Makin Report, which detailed abuse within the Church of England.

Malcolm Hanson talks to Stephen Tomkins about baptism in the Spirit, holding together diverse opinions in one Church, and what he believes the Group for Evangelism and Renewal (GEAR) offers into the United Reformed Church.

As well as Top Gear, other TV favourites have also been smuggled into Reform this month – the first dramatised life of Jesus in the UK and even one or two traitors. Will you be able to spot them?

The January Reform is available from 26 January.

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