The Revd Cara Heafey, Minister of Marston and Wheatley United Reformed churches in Oxford, offers us this reflection for Easter Sunday. At Easter we c...
Illegal Migration statement handed to Downing Street
A statement signed by more than 1450 church leaders opposing the government’s Illegal Migration Bill has been handed to 10 Downing Street. The Revd ...
Good Friday: The saddest day
Good Friday is the saddest day of the Church’s year when we remember the execution of Jesus after a rushed, illegal, night-time trial. We stand at t...
Maundy Thursday: The simplicity of a kiss
Today we remember Jesus sharing in the simplicity of a meal with his friends, where he offered himself in the simple things of bread and wine – and ...
Around the United Reformed Church in seven days: 27 March-2 April
A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church over the past seven days. Young Leicester church member donates hair for charity Upon learni...
Don’t lose your right to vote
Churches are raising awareness of a new requirement that people show photo ID in order to vote in some elections. The local elections being held in En...
Palm Sunday: What type of king are you Lord?
Palm Sunday starts the most solemn week of the year for Christians. We remember the crowds acclaim Jesus as King as he rode into Jerusalem; they lay...
Partygate: reactions from URC Ministers
Following the UK Parliament’s Committee of Privileges’ investigation into statements made by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the House of C...
Reform magazine: April edition
On the 30th anniversary of the murder of teenager Stephen Lawrence, the April edition of Reform asks what has changed in society and Church since then...