A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the past seven days: 31 May to 5 June. Yorkshire Synod Yorkshire Synod has sadly ...
Woking Bible readathon raises thousands for Christian Aid
Determined fundraisers from a Woking church have raised more than £11,000 for charity after an 82-hour Bible readathon. The Revd Lucy Brierley and th...
Reform magazine: June 2023
There are more insights into the situation in Ukraine in this month’s edition of Reform. Katherine Kelaidis reports on the battles of Orthodoxy and...
Around the URC: What’s on
A round-up of what’s happening in and around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the coming months. May Retaining team members Join the Children&#...
URC at Greenbelt: Back for more
This year, Greenbelt celebrates its 50th anniversary. That’s 50 years of celebrating arts, faith and activism. But what exactly is attending the fes...
Around the URC in seven days: 15-21 May 2023
A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the past seven days. Eastern Synod Congratulations to ten-year-old Lexi May Rose-...
New Moderator nominated for National Synod of Scotland
The Revd Lindsey Sanderson has been nominated to serve as Moderator of the United Reformed Church (URC) National Synod of Scotland following the retir...
URC visit boosts female representation at South Korean church meeting
The Revd Nicola Furley-Smith, United Reformed Church Secretary for Ministries, recently spent a week visiting the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK). ...
Local URCs celebrate King’s Coronation
As the nation celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III, congregations across the United Reformed Church (URC) held afternoon tea parties, coffee ...
Response to the government’s white paper on gambling
The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church provide the following response to the ...