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Home Your faith Prayer and worship Pakistan floods prayer

A prayer for those affected by the Pakistan floods

A group of people escaping the flood

Since June 2022, Monsoon rains in Pakistan have caused flash floods devastating communities and washing away roads, homes, and crops.

More than 33 million people have been affected and at least 1,136 killed.

The Revd Memona Shahbaz, a United Reformed Church Minister from Pakistan, offers this prayer:

Our loving, merciful and compassionate father,

we acknowledge that you are creator of this universe, and everything is in your control.

“You are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 42:1

At this time of trouble in Pakistan, we pray for all Pakistani people who are victims of the devastating flood.

Especially we pray for,

  • those who have lost their loved ones, livelihood, livestock and homes
  • Pakistani government, local charities, churches, and individuals who are trying to help all
  • All countries who are standing in solidarity and helping Pakistan at this challenging time

Help everyone and send your peace and comfort in this chaotic situation.

We ask this in Jesus precious name.


Image: a still from BBC News


United Reformed Church