Safer Recruitment of Assembly Accredited Lay Preachers 1. Introduction 1.1 Lay preachers are an integral part of the church. Along with the other reco...
URC Disciplinary Policy for Office Holders
Read or download the United Reformed Church Disciplinary Policy for Office Holders...
What happens at an assessment conference?
What happens at an assessment conference? Find out what happens at an assessment conference and what’s expected of the assessment board when con...
NSM Model 4: Discerning a call and equipping for service
NSM Model 4: Discerning a call and equipping for service 1. Introduction Meeting in November 2018, Mission Council passed the following resolutions:...
Special Category Ministries
Special Category Ministries Special Category Ministries are outside any deployment quotas; they are in addition to ordained ministry being exercised b...
Chaplaincy Chaplains are people normally appointed by the Church to work in all kinds of places outside the normal life of the congregation. There ar...
Certificates for Limited Service
Certificates for Limited Service General Assembly authorises the Ministries Committee, through the Accreditation Sub-Committee, to grant Certificates ...
Oversight and care of candidates for ministry
Oversight and care of candidates for ministry Continuing discernment The journey from the exploration of a call to ministry, through selection, trai...
The assessment procedure
The assessment procedure The enquiry stage Meeting with Minister or Interim Moderator Informal and exploratory Meeting with Synod Moderator/or Moderat...
Guidelines for Synod Candidating Secretaries
Guidelines for Synod Candidating Secretaries As the Synod Candidating Secretary you have a key role to play throughout the assessment process, ensurin...