The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) has produced a major new briefing on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The briefing and supporting resources are des...
First cohort graduates from Newbigin Pioneering Hub
Congratulations to the first cohort of lay pioneers who graduated from the Newbigin Pioneering Hub on 15 July at Lodge Road Community Church in Birmin...
Sleigh bells ring at Corsham carol service in July
A Christmas carol service during the summer? That’s exactly what Monks Chapel, a United Reformed Church in Corsham, held at the beginning of July. M...
Greenbelt Festival: hangout for diverse church parents
Joanne, a member of Christ Church Uxbridge in the Thames North Synod, volunteered in the United Reformed Church (URC) café tent, yoURChurch, at the G...
Church expresses solidarity with refugees as Illegal Migration Bill passes
The United Reformed Church (URC) has joined nearly 300 civil society groups and charities in expressing solidarity with refugees as the government’s...
Celebrations all round as local congregation and Synod gain eco awards
Congratulations to Eastern Synod and Clitheroe United Reformed Church which are celebrating after gaining prestigious awards for work towards helping ...
Around the URC in seven days: 13-20 July 2023
A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the past seven days, 13-20 July. Southern Synod A house-bound woman who has manag...
Reform magazine: July-August 2023 edition
Not one but three national moderators take centre stage in the latest edition of Reform. The Revd Dr Tessa Henry-Robinson, Moderator of General Assemb...
URC inducts first black and ethnically-minoritised woman as General Assembly Moderator
History was made at the 2023 United Reformed Church (URC) General Assembly when its first black and ethnically-minoritised woman Moderator was inducte...
URC celebrates 25 years of Community Project Awards
At its 2023 General Assembly, the United Reformed Church celebrated 25 years of its Community Project Awards. The awards recognise outstanding communi...